Thursday, 3 June 2021


Psalm 16:11 You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. (Nkjv)

God wants us to allow HIS PRESENCE, HIS PLANS AND HIS PEACE to fill our minds today.

His Presence will reassure you, comfort you, inspire you and give you joy.

His Plans will stretch and amaze you and cause you to think outside of the box.

His peace will restore, establish, strengthen and settle you. (1 Peter 5:10 Nkjv)

We're to not only allow these things but scripture says we're to pursue them, seek them.

When we allow something we're being passive but when we pursue something we're being pro-active, it's deliberate, there is a determination to decide to pursue God, to seek Him and until we seek His presence we wont be able to know His plans or enter fully into His peace.

So how do we pursue God's presence? We all know already it's by entering in with thanksgiving and praise. Instead of rushing in, as we so often do, with all our problems and complaints, we can choose to just hold on a minute and tell the Lord we love Him, need Him so much and thank Him for His love and all He's done for us already.

We pursue God's plans by bringing our plans and saying we surrender them to His higher authority and lay them aside if He wants us to and listen for His Holy Spirit to show us His plans which will be for our good and not out harm. (Jeremiah 29:11 Nkjv)

We're told to pursue peace  (Psalm 34:13/Romans 14:19/Hebrews 12:19 Nkjv) and we do that by remembering Jesus is our Prince of Peace, that He has already given us His gift of peace and it lives in our spirit. We need to make a decision to choose to be peaceful and not allow the enemy's lies to disturb our peace. We have a lock and key to protect our place of peace and they're the promises of God. Make sure your lock is locked in to the Word of God and not open to the doubts and fears of the enemy.

So today it might help us to remember the three 'P's of God - His Presence, His Plans and His Peace.  Oh and our 'P' is to Pursue them.😊

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