Tuesday, 29 June 2021


Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.

Daft things happen sometimes don't they and you just have to scratch your head and laugh at life's silly happenings. 

One day last week I was on the phone to my sister when the door bell rang so Chris answered the door and three children were standing there asking him to buy some sweets they were selling for 20p. How weird is that? I'd never seen them before in my life! ...... Meanwhile our house smoke alarm suddenly went off with it's siren blaring out. I rushed to the kitchen only to discover I'd burnt a pan of hard boiled eggs completely dry (because I forgot all about them) and the fumes were affecting the alarm. So there I am waving a towel frantically at the smoke alarm trying to waft the fumes so it would stop, the three children are all standing gawping through the open door at this crazy woman wielding a towel in the air and they have their fingers in their ears, pulling faces because it was so loud! My sister is still on the phone listening to the hullabaloo, the siren stops and we all relax ........ then it started up again and we had to repeat the whole process again!........  Meanwhile Chris had gone to find 20p.! 

Honestly, you couldn't have written a comedy script any better and that's my point. It's good to learn to laugh at ourselves and our circumstances sometimes, because if we don't we'll end up crying. I was recounting the whole episode to a friend on the phone a few minutes later and I just saw the funny side of it and we laughed and laughed, it did us so much good. She actually said it was better than medicine! (Oh and the good news is I saved the pan and the children got their 20p.!!)

I know life is serious sometimes but I have to remind myself to just lighten up a bit and see the funny side of things, life would be much more bearable, don't you think? 

Our verse today encourages us to have a merry heart, a heart that sees the ridiculous, that makes us laugh, because God says it will do us good like a medicine. I think I like that medicine a lot better than the sort the doctors give us sometimes and so did my friend! 

God gave us a sense of humour for a reason - we need it! Don't forget this verse comes from Proverbs, God's book of wisdom. It's wise to laugh! Apparently scientists tells us that laughter releases all sorts of healing endorphins as well, so let's try laughing more! 

And just in case life gets a bit fraught and strained today, try and stop for a minute, if you can, to see the funny side of things and laugh, it might surprise you how it diffuses the situation, and how much better you feel.😊

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