Monday, 21 June 2021


Proverbs 29:11 A fool vents all his feelings, but a wise man holds them back.

In today's culture people want to 'vent' their feelings whether it's on media, in print or just to the postman! They want somebody to listen but what they are doing is really just complaining about something.  They're letting us all know what they 'feel' about it and scripture calls those people fools!  That is quite a sobering thought. I'm not talking about when we genuinely need to share our hearts with someone we trust, but when people just go on and on complaining.

The children of Israel succumbed to venting on many occasions when they kept moaning to Moses, and so the Apostle Paul reminds the Corinthians to not fall into the same trap.

1 Corinthians 10:10 And don't grumble as some of them did, and then were destroyed by the angel of death. v.11 These things happened to them as examples for us. They were written down to warn us who live at the end of the age.

Sometimes I do have a moan and this verse has reminded me I've got to stop it!  How about you? Does it ring any bells with you too? It's for our own good and our own protection that God warns us because He knows it opens the door to the enemy when we moan and complain like the Israelites. They were always moaning about something and God wasn't happy about it. 

They were complaining to Moses because they didn't have this, that or the other, but scripture says they were really complaining about God and how He was dealing with them. Maybe that's what we do too though we may not have realised it.

There are times when we just want to have a good old moan because it makes us 'feel' better momentarily! But have you noticed that when we start being negative the whole atmosphere around us becomes negative too and it brings everybody down? No wonder God hates complaining!

So instead of being moaning minnies and grumbling let's do what He says and find something to praise Him for instead, something to be grateful about, so many things to be thankful for and have a good old praise up!

I throw out the challenge as we start a new week - what can you find to go and have a praise and thankful session with someone about, and if you're struggling with it ask God to help you.😊

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