Monday, 7 June 2021


Acts 12:11 Peter finally came to his senses, "It's really true!" he said. "The Lord has sent his angel and saved me from Herod and from what the Jewish leaders had planned to do to me!"

2 Kings 19:34 For my own honour...I will defend this city and protect it." v.35 That night the angel of the Lord went out....and killed 185,000 Assyrian solders....

When you get the chance read these chapters to get the whole picture of what was going on because as I read them I realised that God is as interested in the 'one' as He is interested in a whole city or a whole nation.

Do you ever feel like God's forgotten you, or didn't hear your prayer, or even ignored you because He's got other things to do or too busy?  I have a neighbour who said to me once that she couldn't ask God to help her as she was of no importance and He had far greater troubles to deal with so she didn't like to bother Him with her issues.

Can I tell you that God hears all our prayers, He has not forgotten any one of us for one second, He never ignores us and He's definitely never too busy to help us.

He rescued Peter from a guard of 16 well trained Roman soldiers in the dead of night with one angel who had the power in the old testament to kill 185,000 trained soldiers in one hit if he needed to! If you need an angel, God will send you one! 

Our God is mighty to save, be it for the one or for the many, so be encouraged today if you need help He will do whatever it takes to rescue and deliver you so that like Peter, you can go to sleep and rest, even in prison!

I had what I'm sure was an angel rescue me one day while bringing the kids home from school on a back lane in Devon. The exhaust on my old car fell off and was dragging along the road and I had to pull in with no way of dealing with it - no mobile phone in those days! So I prayed and asked God to help me and an open backed lorry pulled up behind and out came a really big blond haired very good looking guy who managed to put the exhaust pipe back on (no idea how). The only tool he had was a big knife! and then as I turned round to thank him he'd just disappeared!

I've had that sort of thing happen more than once and can only testify to the loving care of our God who hears the cry of one of His kids. We have a wonderful, supernatural, powerful God who can defeat an army for us or meet us on the school run. Praise His lovely name.

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