1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.
This verse is talking about God's perfect love for us not our love for Him, but I doubt if any of us have been perfected yet in knowing how much God loves us. We only have to listen to the media for five minutes and it seems the enemy is using them to plant seeds of fear into anyone who's listening, so it's no wonder God tells us not to be afraid literally hundreds of times throughout scripture because He knows how destructive fear can be.
The good news is, God doesn't want us to be afraid and He's provided the way of escape by giving us His love because the knowledge of how much He loves us brings us His security and His peace in every area of our lives.
When we learn just how much God loves us and how He only seeks our good, our health, our wholeness in every area of life, then the more we shall be freed from fears that hound us because He's right there with us.
Let me ask you how fear comes to you. It starts with a fear thought doesn't it, in which case it can be counteracted by a God thought and replaced by His words and His promises. When we're anxious or frightened we can use God's words and thoughts in our minds to uproot the fears.
We know will power doesn't work, it has to be God power, and it's called faith in Jesus. He broke the back of fear, nailed it to His cross and rendered every demon powerless to harm us but we have to enforce His victory with His Word in our mouths and in our hearts and minds.
If we're fed up being afraid, let's get God's word out, look up His promises on how He loves us and how He's with us. Open the door to faith, and close the door to fear. Pin them up round the house, learn them, so we can declare them, and call on the Holy Spirit to help us. As soon as the fear thought comes, let's slam the door shut in the enemy's face and declare this instead:
2 Timothy 1:7 For God has NOT given us (me) a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Even if we have to do it every two minutes, let's keep declaring the victory in Jesus because we don't have to give in to fear anymore.