Friday, 26 November 2021


2 Peter 3:8 But you must not forget this one thing, dear friends: A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day.

Everyone you speak to seems to feel that time is passing by very quickly and we all wonder where the last few years have gone. If you're older you're probably thinking the last 20, 40 or more years have whizzed by! But more importantly don't let's forget the Lord's blessing in all of them.

It's easy to bemoan the passing years but a much better thing to do would be to focus on Jesus and all He's done for us and how He's rescued us time and again, favoured us when we didn't deserve it, protected us when we never even knew it. He's lifted us up when we were down, He's given us joy and laughter to offset the sad days, loved us when we've been unlovely. He's prospered us and blessed us so we could be a blessing to others.

However time is passing for you, whether it drags or goes at the speed of light, and here we are at another weekend, just stop for a little while and let's count our blessings. 

Let's spend some 'time' giving all the praise, thanks and glory to the One who makes our lives possible and let's remember God has planned an amazing future for us with Him still to come in Heaven. Woohoo! Thank You Lord.

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