Monday, 8 November 2021


Hebrews 12:2 looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Jesus didn't go to the cross so we could be grumpy and miserable. He died so we could be delivered from the kingdom of darkness and all that goes with it. 

He wants us to know we can live this life with a sweet attitude not a bad one and with His grace we can face each day's challenges and come out on top when we trust Him.

When we remember we're loved by our Heavenly Father, that He is for us and not against us, that He is the One holding us up, He is the One who has ordained a future and a hope for us, we'll find our attitude lifting.

The more we dwell on what Jesus has done for us, what God has given us, how He sees us as righteous in His eyes, the more we'll be able to face life's challenges knowing we're not alone to deal with them.

So whatever we face this week know this, God is going before us, He has already equipped and qualified us in Jesus to be victorious and more than a conqueror. We have the divine nature inside us so we can have a sweet attitude even when we don't always feel like it because we can trust God to turn it all round for our good in the end.

We can start the week with confidence in our God, with a good attitude, knowing He has already set our barometer to 'highly favoured and greatly blessed' and that whatever we set our hand to is blessed because of Jesus. Hallelujah, thank You Lord Jesus. 

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