Saturday, 27 November 2021


Romans 8:28 And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

As I look out my lounge window there is a winter wonderland with thickly falling snow. There are usually two schools of thought with snow - you either absolutely love it or it makes you miserable! It's a bit like life - you can choose to enjoy it or be 'under the weather' and choose to allow things to make you miserable or frustrated.

I've heard it said that when life gives you lemons to go and make some lemonade. In other words make the best of whatever situation you have to deal with and ask the Lord to help you see the positives in it. Let's be people who see the bright side and lift other peoples' spirits up rather than moaning and pulling them down even further. We do get the choice. How we react will affect others! So I throw out the challenge to you to go out with a smile and an upbeat attitude and amaze everybody!

So today, even though it's snowing, or whatever is happening in your part of the world, let's believe God is bigger than our circumstances and will work all things out together for our good - even the snow.

Go out and throw a snowball at a tree if that helps relieve your frustration but don't let it get you down! Believe the Lord to give you a great day!😊

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