Wednesday, 10 November 2021


Isaiah 3:10 Tell the godly that all will be well for them.  
2 Kings 4:26 And she answered, "All is well."

I woke far too early yesterday morning so listened to Joel Osteen on my MP3 player to try to go back to sleep but he kept saying 'All is Well' over and over again. As I got ready for the day I heard that phrase running through my mind all the time. 'All is well'. Then throughout the day I kept saying out loud 'All is well.'

We had to phone the fridge freezer manufacturer about our new appliance and even though I could hardly understand a word because the phone connection was bad, I did hear 'All is well' in my head! Then we had to go to Mansfield to the supplier to try to sort it out and didn't get much further but I just kept saying out loud 'All is well' in faith even though it didn't look like it at all.

Then last night we rang the manufacturer again and this time we got the answer we needed and praise God 'All is well!!'  

You may smile but actually I learned quite a lesson yesterday. When we agree with God's word, regardless of how things look or feel, and declare by faith that all is well, somehow He turns it all round so that it is. Normally I would have been getting really stressed out and muttering a whole lot of negative comments about how things weren't going well, how it wasn't good, etc. but instead the Lord made sure I started the day hearing the faith declaration 'All is well' over and over again as Joel preached. 

So can I encourage whoever reads this today to know and believe that even when things don't look good, 'All is well' because Almighty God is on our side, He really is for us and not against us and He can make the impossible possible. It may take time to turn things round but our story isn't over yet is it? We're only part way through and He's still working things out for us so we can say in faith "All is well".

If you want to listen to Joel's podcast the link is below.

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