Saturday, 6 November 2021


2 Corinthians 5:21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

If you read yesterday's blog I hope you'll be shouting hallelujah because we were reminded we've been forgiven and we have Jesus to intercede for us when we get off track.

Wouldn't it be glorious though if we could go off track less often, stop falling for the lies of the enemy and ending up in a dark hole? It happened to me this week and it was caused by being tempted to have a pity party and feeling very sorry for myself. I should have nipped it in the bud the moment it started, but I didn't!

No excuses on my part. God doesn't want excuses as they don't solve anything! He wants us to go to Him for mercy and grace. When we do that He'll welcome us with loving arms and remind us of the truth that we are still the righteousness of God in Christ even when we get it wrong because God made us righteous in our spirit and that's how He sees us.

God made us righteous when He made Jesus sin on the cross and we put our faith in His sacrifice. He gave us the divine exchange and it's dependant on what Jesus did, not what we do or don't do.

Yes we repent but feeling guilty doesn't actually change anything, but knowing we are still righteous in God's eyes does! The more we remind ourselves and tell the enemy that we have been made righteous the more we break free from Satan's hold, and free from our weaknesses. Knowing we're righteous will cause us to want to resist the temptations the enemy brings, because we'll remember who we are in Christ, that we belong to Him.

So the next time we fall in a dark hole, don't let's bring our excuses to God, let's bring the finished work of Jesus. Let's go to Jesus our High Priest and ask Him to intercede for us with the Father, knowing He has already cleansed us by His blood, given us His grace, given us His righteousness. 

You know what - we wont want to sin any more, we'll be so grateful as He reminds us we are still righteous in His eyes. We have such an amazing, merciful God.

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