Monday, 22 November 2021


Philippians 2:4 Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.

Leading up to Christmas, it can get a bit hectic buying presents, wracking our brains what to give, planning family gatherings and maybe we become a bit blinkered and forget  to look out for the interests of others. They too may be under some pressure.

Hebrews 13:16 But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.

Doing good to others can come in all shapes and sizes. It may even be as simple as giving someone an encouraging smile as you go about your day to lift their spirits as you pass them by. It may be thinking of a way to help lighten a colleague's load if they're struggling a bit, or be a listening ear, or letting the person behind you go in front in a queue when they only have a couple of items. I know I so appreciate that when someone does it for me!

Is there perhaps a friend or relative you haven't phoned in quite a while, someone you keep meaning to visit but never quite get around to it? Maybe you've been thinking about taking a little gift to somebody just to say you love them whether it's their birthday or not.  Whatever it is, any prompting to do good is coming from the Lord, and He wants us to look out for each other, to find ways to show some love and kindness and thoughtfulness. 

So as we go into yet another new week let's be on the lookout to see how we can do someone some good and be a blessing, which will please our Heavenly Father at the same time and make Him smile too.

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