Tuesday, 2 November 2021


John 4:10 Jesus replied, "If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water."

Have you ever said that to anyone? "If you only knew!" meaning that if they did know they would understand why things are the way they are, or they'd understand you better because they'd know the whole story instead of only a part.

Jesus walked miles out of His way to speak to this lady to meet her where she was at. He knew all about her, but she didn't know who He was and how He'd come to give her a gift that would change her life for ever.  When He offered her living water she could only think inside the box "But you don't have a rope and a bucket" she said. She kept offering up excuses as to why it wouldn't work for her.

How often do we come to Jesus and He offers us this living water too? If we only knew He offers us the gift of the Holy Spirit; He offers us supernatural ability to walk through life's problems with His perspective and power instead of with our rope and bucket.  

When this lady heard what Jesus was saying to her, even before she fully understood what He was offering but she saw the love and compassion in His eyes, she said "Please sir, give me this water!"

Jesus offers us His life giving water right now to each one of us, He says it becomes a fresh bubbling spring within us giving us eternal life. (v.13). We don't need a rope and a bucket we only need to ask for it and Jesus promised He would give it to us. 

You probably 'knew' all this already but sometimes we need a gentle reminder. So if you're feeling 'dry on the inside', and now you've been reminded, let's accept His offer and ask Him for His fresh bubbling spring of life giving water to bubble up in us today and ever day. Amen.

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