Thursday, 25 November 2021


Matthew 21:22 You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it.
Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it will be given to you...

Do you have a Wish List this Christmas? Have you written down all the things you might dream of having but probably think you never will? For instance I'm needing to renew my iphone, my ipad and my laptop. They're all old, out of date and not performing well, all at the same time, so I would really appreciate newer ones! They are on my 'Wish List'!

So I ask what's on your 'Wish List', those things that seem too big to ask for? Now, what if I ask you what's on your 'Believing List'? There's a big difference! God says we can have what we believe for if we don't doubt in our heart.  I felt challenged by the Lord this morning to stop wishing and start believing! 

The things that seem big to us are actually small to God. We often feel 'oh I can't ask for that, it's too much!'  But I believe God is saying to us to 'ask and you will receive'! God is the God of More Than Enough, the God of Overflow, the God of 'my cup runs over'. God is the One who gives us our heart's desires when we seek after Him. Nothing is impossible with God and nothing is too hard.

So what is your heart's desire, what would make your heart sing? We gave our grandson a 'Bugs in the Kitchen' game for his birthday yesterday but it had one extra vibrating bug and when he saw it he had a 'Wow' moment. When you're eight years old one extra vibrating bug is BIG! It was over and above what he was expecting and he was excited!

So today God is encouraging us to stop wishing and start believing for Him to do over and above all we ask or think or imagine.  He wants us to move some things over from the 'Wish List' to our 'Believing List'. He wants us to believe for some Wow moments too!😊

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