Wednesday, 8 December 2021


Psalm 118:24 This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Life does not start later! I heard that phrase while watching a film last night and was very struck by it. The character was putting off till 'later' all the things she was planning on doing or enjoying 'when she had the time'.

I wonder how many of us do that too? Have you ever caught yourself saying "I'm planning on doing that later." Or, "one day, I'll go to such and such a place." We're so busy with stuff that we keep putting off all our plans for one reason or another.  Life is for living now because we don't have a guarantee of 'later'. Proverbs 27:1 tells us not to boast about tomorrow for we don't know what a day may bring. Hebrews tells us 'now is the day of salvation.'  

Jesus encouraged us to live in the now and leave tomorrow till tomorrow. He gives us His grace and great favour for each day as each day dawns and He wants us to enjoy our 'now' and not keep putting off  our enjoyment of it till later. He says rejoice and be glad in it! 

Maybe the Lord has been nudging you to do something like inviting someone for coffee or given you a dream, like writing a book, or going on a missions trip or starting a course to learn something new. If so can I encourage you to not put it off? 

Life does not start later, it has already started, and for some of us it's well on the way!  

The Lord is encouraging us today to get on and just do those things you planned on doing later and enjoy them now! Join that class, meet new people, try that new packet of biscuits! Today is the day the Lord has made, let's enjoy it now not later.😊

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