Sunday, 24 December 2023


Isaiah 52:7 
How beautiful on the mountains
 are the feet of the messenger who brings good news,
 the good news of peace and salvation, 
the news that the God of Israel reigns!

All down through the ages people have loved good news and we’re still the same today, and what Good News we have!😊

Everyone also loves to be at peace and part of our good news is that Jesus came to bring us peace with His Heavenly Father, to know God is not mad at us or waiting to punish us. Jesus is called the Prince of Peace, the only One who could reconcile us to God, who could wash away every sin from our lives, who could remove all our guilt and shame, who could heal broken hearts, minds and bodies. 

Jesus came to earth to do all of that but it all started with His willingness to humble Himself and come into our world as a baby that first Christmas.  

In the midst of all the presents, all the celebrating of family and friends may we take the time to acknowledge our wonderful Saviour, our Prince of Peace, the One who makes it all possible. May we have a Christmas that whispers Jesus through every part of it. 

If things go wrong in the kitchen, or the kids are having a melt down, or if things become strained with family or guests, may we remember why we’re doing it all, and under our breaths just whisper to ourselves ‘Jesus’ and let Him bring His peace into our hearts once again.

It could be easy to hear the Good News and take it for granted because it’s so familiar, but I pray we hear it this Christmas with fresh ears and receive our Prince of Peace, our Saviour, with grateful hearts into our daily lives once again, and celebrate knowing our God still reigns.😊Amen.

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