Tuesday, 26 December 2023


Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to guide my feet, and a light for my path.

I was walking down the stairs with my torch early the other morning and all I could see really was the next step on the stair as the battery was low, but it was just enough to get me safely down.😊

When Jesus came into the world on that first Christmas night, in one way He was the Light of God who would dispel all the darkness of this world for the rest of time and into eternity. In another way He is the Light we all need for each day, for each step we have to walk with Him.

God has this thing where He only seems to give us the light for our next step because He wants us to trust Him one day at a time. He knows we’ll do much better if we don’t go off on our own trying to find our own way and He’s actually safeguarding us from charging ahead into things that might take us down the wrong road!😊

If the path ahead looks dark and we can’t see what’s coming, Jesus says we don’t need to worry about it as God is already in our future. He has it all sorted out and if we’ll keep using His word like a lamp to guide and instruct us, He says it will light up our path as we go. A bit like the wise men, they had the Star to follow, we have the Word of God to follow.

Jesus is called The Light of the World and He will return for those who believe in Him and there will be no more night, no more darkness, and how wonderful that will be. 

But till then, let’s just keep looking to Jesus for the light we need for today and enjoy the step we’re on at the moment.😊

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