Sunday, 17 December 2023


Luke 2:10 
but the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” 
He said. “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people.

Isn’t it lovely when we have good news that brings us great joy, or when we have ‘suddenlies’ when something wonderful happens that we weren’t expecting but it fills us with joy? We all love moments like that. Luke talks about great joy for us all, not a feeble little joy!😊

The shepherds experienced one of those ‘suddenly great joy’ moments when the angels brought the good news of the birth of their Messiah, and they certainly weren’t expecting it. Mary had great joy when Jesus was born but her joy wasn’t a suddenly because she’d been expecting Him for nine months. He was an expected promise fulfilled.

We all know there are multiple things in life that try to steal our joy but for the Christian, it is one of the fruit of the Spirit and it grows from the inside out, not from the outside in. Some people want to say, “Well what have I got to be joyful about?” because their circumstances make them miserable and we can all identify with that at times. 

But God has done something so wonderful, so amazing, so joy making, in giving us a Saviour. 
He has given us the ability to go right into God’s presence with confidence because He has forgiven all our sins and made us righteous. He has given us a clean slate, given us His own Holy Spirit so we don’t have to deal with life on our own. He has given us a Redeemer, a Deliverer, a Protector, a Provider. He gave us a Saviour. He gave us Jesus.

That good news of joy is as fresh today as it was on the first Christmas. It is something to celebrate, to be overjoyed about, because it’s not just for this life but for eternity! We may not be able to rejoice in our circumstances, but we are able to rejoice in our God.😊

So no matter what is going on around us, let’s try to remember we still have something glorious to be joyful about. We have Emmanuel - God Himself is with us, and He has given us His joy. Hallelujah! Thank You Lord.😊

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