Friday, 8 December 2023


Luke 2:1 And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered.

Caesar Augustus was a man who worshipped Apollo and other false gods but He didn’t believe in the God of the Jews, yet God used him. Jesus would have been fourteen years old when Caesar Augustus died in AD14 but he fulfilled the role God had given him. God caused him to call for a census of the people in order to make Joseph and Mary go to Bethlehem in time for Jesus to be born, but we don’t hear any more about him in the Christmas narrative. He had served his purpose in God’s master plan.

Sometimes God will move on ungodly people in order for His plans and purposes to unfold, or in order to bless us. All through history God used foreign Kings and Rulers to do His bidding and He may use the most unlikely people to give us the favour we need, or to provide whatever we have been seeking and we may even be tempted to think “God can’t or wouldn’t use that person, he’s an ungodly man or woman!”

We forget God’s ways are not our ways and tend to evaluate things from our limited understanding. Without realising it we can put God in a box of our own making, and want to tell Him how to do things, when and where and who with! But God knows the end from the beginning, even before we got here, so He doesn’t need our advice or helpful hints.😊

Far better to just calm down and let God do what only He can do and allow Him to direct our lives, opening doors of opportunity for us, but allowing Him to also close others because He knows best and wants to protect us, believing He will turn things round for our good in His time.

The bottom line is to trust God and allow Him to do what He wants to do, in the way He wants to do it, and use the people who will do it best for our benefit and just relax in Him.😊

Proverbs 3:5 9 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding.

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