Tuesday, 5 December 2023


Proverbs 4:23 Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.

We all guard what is important to us like putting locks on our doors but sometimes we forget to guard our hearts. It says our heart is the key to how our life will unfold. If our hearts are full of love, joy and peace then those things will flow out into our mouths and actions, into our relationships with others, our jobs, our whole lives. But if our hearts are full of bitterness, resentment or fear then they too will flow out of our mouths into all those same areas. 

Whatever is in our hearts will control our attitudes and find its way into our mouths eventually, both good or bad! But good news! With God’s peace and joy in our hearts they will flow out.😊

So how do we guard our hearts? When our thoughts are right and agree with God’s word then our hearts will be right as well. All our actions begin with a thought and in a way it’s our thoughts we need to guard because what we think will affect the very core of our being.

When we begin to feel down or depressed about something we can usually track it back to a negative thought that popped in our heads and we let it take root. One down thought leads to another and before we know it we’re miserable! 

Instead if we find a negative thought trying to come in but we stand our ground and counter it with the word of God then we are in effect guarding our hearts. We’re on guard to stop anything entering in that would bring us down, or spoil the course of our lives. 

It’s like if a burglar knocked on your door and said “I’ve come to steal your peace and joy, let me in.” You’d say “No way, get out of here. I’m not letting you in!” It’s the same when Satan knocks on the door of our mind with his lies we have to say the same as we would to the burglar.

It will require effort but soldiers don’t laze around when they’re on guard duty. No, they are fully alert, giving their attention to their guard post. It’s their responsibility and they know they can’t neglect their post! We’re the same! We can’t afford to be lazy about guarding our hearts, we have to be alert and resist anything that would try to come in to spoil our peace. 

Holy Spirit help us to guard our hearts and fill us with your joy and peace so that what comes out will be a blessing to ourselves and those around us.😊Amen.

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