Friday, 15 December 2023


Luke 2:16-17 They hurried to the village and found Mary and Joseph. And there was the baby, lying in the manger. After seeing him, the shepherds told everyone what had happened and what the angel had said to them about this child.

I was thinking about the shepherds and how, on the night Jesus was born, they seemed to have no bother at all in finding Him lying in a manger even though the town was packed with strangers! And when they did, they went round the whole town telling others all about it. Well, it wasn’t everyday you see a host of angels and have a one on one encounter with the long awaited Messiah!😊

But when the wise men came, maybe two years later, they couldn’t seem to find Him and even asked the King where He was. He was no help and it was the Star that continued to show them the way, not to a palace, but to Joseph’s house, a normal working man’s home. Jesus isn’t always where we think He will be!

Again, God has His own way of doing things, and Jesus isn’t found in religion with its pomp and ceremony but He is found where peoples’ hearts are walking with Him day by day in the middle of all the difficult, messy things we have to deal with. The shepherds had angels, the wise men had a star and God can use us to help someone else find Jesus.

In the end it didn’t matter how they found Him or where, the important thing was they all did find Jesus eventually. That applies to all of us as well. Each one of us needs to find Jesus for ourselves. 

For some the search takes longer than others but every single day we need to be finding Jesus in the middle of all we have to do, in the everyday affairs of life. And just like the Star, we too will be able to lead others to the One who flung the stars into space, to the Prince of Peace, to Jesus the King of Kings. Amen.😊 

                         Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

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