John 20:30 The disciples saw Jesus do many other miraculous signs in addition to the ones recorded in this book.
John wrote these words remembering the moment when Thomas was confronted by the risen Lord Jesus when He told him to put his finger in His wounds and to stop doubting but to believe. Jesus began with a miraculous conception and ended with a miraculous resurrection.
Jesus’ whole ministry was full of miracles. We know Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever so what He was willing to do for someone then, He is willing to do for us now, otherwise He would be showing favouritism to the people in that time and it would be going against His word. The miraculous is as available to us as it was to them. In fact, because Jesus is in us, His miracle power can flow through us who believe too.😊
Knowing that, we can come to the Lord Jesus now, in our day and time, and ask Him to do for us the miracles He did back then. So what miracle are we needing in our lives? Whatever it is, Jesus went to the Cross and shed His blood for us and it’s purely on that basis we come to ask for our miracle. We can’t come based on our need, thinking God owes it to us, or declaring we or someone else deserves it, otherwise it can’t be by grace, we’d be saying we or they have earned it!
Whenever we approach the throne of grace, it’s to receive something we don’t actually deserve, but it is so available to us because God ordained it that way because of Jesus’ shed blood.
Thank God, everything we receive from Him now is by grace through faith, not by our works or anyone else’s efforts. That is good news - we don’t have to earn our miracle!😊
Instead we come humbly before our God but with confidence and boldness because of Jesus and we ask for our miracle based on the strength of what Jesus did for us, based on the power of His blood and only that, then His grace can flow all over us.
As we begin Christmas week be encouraged, it’s all about Jesus and what He did for us and He still wants to do miracles for us today. Thank You Lord.
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