Thursday, 14 December 2023


Jonah 4: 2…I knew that you are a merciful and compassionate God, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. You are eager to turn back from destroying people.

When we think about Jonah we always think about the big fish, but what about the little worm? He had a part to play as well!  We can discover a lot about God and how He operates from Jonah’s experiences. He had specific plans for Jonah but he chose to rebel against them and go his own way. That decision caused great distress to everybody on board the ship as they lost all their cargo and Jonah found out, going our own way is not the best way, because it hurts those around us!

Throughout the story we discover God will use whatever is needed whether it’s a fish, a plant or even a little worm to do His bidding!😊 They all had a part to play, along with the storm that caused the sailors’ upset, and they were all where they needed to be at the right time. When God has a plan He will accomplish it regardless of who or what He has to use to bring it about and His timing will be spot on. God is in the detail and it helps to remember just who we are dealing with!

He was wanting to save the 120,000 people of Nineveh from being destroyed because of their wickedness, but Jonah didn’t have God’s great mercy and compassion. In fact he thought they deserved to be wiped out! Thankfully, God’s ways are not our ways! 

Very often we can’t understand why God does things, but all we need to know is that His ways are perfect and He knows what He’s doing. Underneath it all we can remember that He’s a God of immense mercy and He’s compassionate to the suffering and even the undeserving, which we all are, and thank God He is.

It was His great love and compassion that sent Jesus into the world on that first Christmas Day because God had a wonderful plan. Jesus didn’t rebel, but went all the way to the Cross to accomplish it for us and although we’re not a big fish or a little worm, we now all have our part to play as well.😊

Thank You Lord for Your plan, for loving us when we didn’t deserve it, for Your grace and mercy, for Jesus Himself, and for Your great salvation. Thank You, thank You, thank You. Amen.

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