Proverbs 2:6-7 For the Lord grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest. .....
We all know we need wisdom every day of our lives and God encourages us to ask Him for the wisdom we need. James 1:5 If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. It seems we do have to ask for it, it doesn't just happen!
When I had my first baby I was asking God all the time "Lord give me wisdom I don't know what to do!" and I've never stopped asking over 44 years later!😊
The best place to find some of our answers is in scripture itself where a lot of what we need to know is already there if we'll search for it. Our verses remind us that wisdom always comes from God Himself and sometimes He uses other people for that moment, to bring us the information we need.
For instance, in Exodus 18, Moses' father in law Jethro, was watching him dealing with all the disputes of the people everyday and how exhausted he was. So He told Moses to divide the people up into much smaller groups and then appoint honest men who feared God to deal with each group and only bring the difficult cases to Moses himself. Jethro more or less told him he'd wear himself out otherwise, it was common sense! Thankfully Moses did have the wisdom to do as Jethro said.
You could say wisdom is a two way street- when God gives us the wisdom through someone else, through scripture, or however He gives it, and then we need His wisdom to do it, like with Moses and Jethro.
We asked God about doing something once and I was dithering. As we were driving along the road that day a lorry came past which said "Just do it!" We took that as a word from the Lord and did it!
So next time we ask for wisdom be on the lookout for the answer. It may be through scripture, a God appointed person who is God's mouthpiece or it may be a lorry! May we have the wisdom to obey what God has said because it could be life changing, but let's always check first that it agrees with God's word.😊
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