Monday, 6 February 2023


Matthew 19:26 But Jesus looked at them intently and said, "Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.

Welcome to multi coloured Monday! It's not Monday morning blues it's Monday morning red, yellow, turquoise, pink, any colour you want it to be because any day we start with Jesus is full of hope and possibilities.😊 With God all things are possible!

If the enemy tried starting you off with doom and gloom, God is saying the opposite this morning. He says starting the day with Jesus get's it off to a start which is ahead of everybody else's because He is the greater One and He lives in you.

God tells us He has surrounded us with His favour, that He is for us and not against us, so it doesn't matter if the boss or a colleague or a family member is not for us we know God is, and that is what is the game changer for all of us. We have the One who split the Red sea by our side, fighting our battles.

God says He's going ahead of us making those crooked paths straight, that He's behind us watching our backs. He's provided angelic beings to minister to us throughout our day, our week, so we have supernatural help when we need it. It's getting better isn't it?  

God says in Deuteronomy 28 that He will bless all the work you do and guarantees a blessing on everything you do and that wherever you go and whatever you do you will be blessed.

God says you can do everything He gives you to do through Christ and the Holy Spirit is right there with you to help you, counsel you when you don't know what to do or say, and to strengthen you.

I hope all that has encouraged you to see Monday morning, and every morning, in a brighter light. God wants to put a smile on your face and remember this week is full of hope and possibilities, even if things look impossible, because you're in Jesus and He is in you. You can go out and knock their socks off knowing you're a child of the Most High God and He loves you beyond your wildest imagination. Thank You Lord.😊

Enjoy your week being blessed in Him.😊

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