Wednesday, 1 February 2023


Exodus 14:14-15 (Nlt) The Lord himself will fight for us. Just stay calm. Then the Lord said to Moses, "Why are you crying out to me? Tell the people to get moving!..."

Have you ever seen those signs 'KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON'?  Well whoever wrote that must have read our verse because God said it first through Moses!😊 When we choose to stay calm we're actually telling our fears to be quiet, we're choosing to listen to God's voice instead of what the fear is saying.

The Israelites did panic though when they saw the Egyptians, all 600 of Pharaoh's elite chariots and charioteers, who were thundering after them to overtake them as they left Egypt. They thought they were done for, but God already had a plan!

When it looks like we're stuck we're not stuck at all because God already has a plan for us too! He says "Stay calm and move forward. Don't just sit there, get moving. Step out in faith, believe Me for the next step. Let me deal with what's behind you and let me lead you to what I have prepared in front of you."

There is always something better in front of us no matter how old, how young, how disadvantaged we may think we are - not enough money, not enough qualifications, don't know the right people, etc. Listen if God is for us (and He is) then no one can successfully be against us. God is the Way Maker, the Miracle Worker if we'll just trust Him to do what He has planned.

Our best days are always ahead of us no matter what has been before whether it's victories or defeats. Our God is the God of all hope and comfort, (Romans 15:13) not the God of all despair and misery!😊 

So whatever may be trying to overtake us whether it's sickness, financial, legal or work issues or maybe family troubles, God is saying to us that He is bigger than it all and He already has a way out which leads to victory, just like He did for the Israelites, if we'll just stay calm and move forward with Him. Thank You Lord.

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