Wednesday, 1 September 2021


John 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever-

It seemed like a good idea at the time! Having successfully moved the tall fridge freezer out of the kitchen, now we were trucking it out the back gate on sack trucks, along the pavement, round to the front of the house into our garage. (We couldn't take it out the front door because of the steps). The trouble was, the pavement has quite a steep gradient on the corner and my job was to steady it from the side, to stop it from flying off the sack truck while Chris took the weight. I was really struggling as the weight was beginning to shift, but he didn't know that as he couldn't see me from behind the machine!

Suddenly I heard this wonderful voice coming from somewhere "Would you like some help?" "Yes please", I shouted back into the air, not knowing who it was but thinking "Thank You Lord!!". There was one of our neighbours, who I'd never met before, running across the road to help and I thankfully let him take over my bit helping Chris. I was so relieved as I had visions of it careering off down the road! He had no idea he was literally heaven sent!!

There are times, aren't there, when we just need some help and God knows we do which is why He gave us the Holy Spirit our Helper. Now I could have been very proud and said "No, no I'm just fine thank you" and stubbornly carried on (like we sometimes do) but I had the sense to say a heartfelt "Yes please!". 

We all have a choice. God has offered us the help of the Holy Spirit at any time because He's with us forever, but He wont force Himself on us. Instead He waits for us to say "Yes, please help me" just like I had to do.  Sometimes His help even comes in the shape of a kind neighbour. 

We all know God never intended us to do life in our own strength, struggling through by our own efforts. He wants us to allow Him to help us and know He's there for us 24/7. 

Why not reach out today and say "Yes please" and see Him come alongside in everything you do (even moving a wayward old freezer).😊

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