Thursday, 16 September 2021


Luke 12:6 What is the price of five sparrows - two copper coins? Yet God does not forget a single one of them....So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.

Have you ever listened to a flock of sparrows twittering to each other in a hedge as you pass by? I love doing that, they all sound so happy and they make me smile! I think the Lord must be very fond of them too because He says not one falls to the ground that He doesn't know about. (Matthew 10:29 ) How amazing is that? God cares about a little sparrow.

You might think sparrows are insignificant little birds but obviously not in God's eyes which encourages me because so often we might think we're very insignificant in the big scheme of things. Maybe we feel unimportant or that nobody notices us but if God notices one sparrow falling to the ground He definitely notices you and me and is aware of everything about us because He cares about us so much.

We don't even have to try to get His attention because we already have it. We know if He sees a sparrow fall that He sees when we're struggling to keep going, or fallen in a heap for whatever reason. I can imagine Him stooping down and gently picking it back up to send it flying off again and doing the same for us.

So next time you see or hear a little sparrow twittering nearby, take time to hear the Lord whisper in your ear just how much you matter to Him and how valuable you areHe just wants you to know you're of great importance to Him and if you are struggling, or all of a heap, know He's lifting you back up, dusting you off and making you strong so you can go out and fly again.😊

God doesn't forget a single one of us because we really matter to Him and are so valuable to Him. Thank You Lord.

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