Wednesday, 29 September 2021


Psalm 97:11 Light is sown for the  (uncompromisingly) righteous and strewn along their pathway, and joy for the upright in heart (the irrepressible joy which comes from consciousness of His favour and protection). (Amplified Bible)

I think we could all do with a dose of irrepressible joy, don't you? and God tells us how to have it - by being conscious of His favour and protection. It's time we got our 'woohoo' back!

When we're overly conscious of what's going on in the media or the world in general then we tend to lose our joy because our focus is on the wrong thing and it's so depressing.

But God is saying that while we can be aware of all these pressures around us, if we reach down into our spirit where God lives we'll become more conscious of His protection and of His favour in our lives. He wants us to learn to be conscious of Him, to be aware of His presence in us, holding us safe all the time, knowing He's got us in the palm of His hand.

He also wants us to be so conscious of His favour so that we're deliberately looking for it as we go out into our day and thanking Him for it in advance. When we do that He says we'll have this joy bubble up in us from deep inside that just can't be held in or pressed down. That's the kind of joy He's given us and the joy of the Lord is our strength! So not only has He given us His favour and protection which produces irrepressible joy, but it produces our strength as well. How awesome is all that!!

So keep reminding yourself throughout the day and be conscious of His favour and protection over you and His joy will begin to bubble up!😊

Thank You Lord for Your favour on my life and Your wonderful protection. I believe it and I receive it in Jesus' Name.  Amen.

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