Tuesday, 14 September 2021


Romans 8:1 So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.

Do you ever go through times when you're feeling condemned that you should be doing better but you get a bit stuck in your attitudes or way of thinking and doing?  

If you can identify with that then you're not alone and we have to recognise that the enemy is having a go at us. It's good to remember how far we have come already and be encouraged by that, knowing God is doing a work in us and He's promised to bring it to completion, (Phil.1:6) rather than listening to the condemnation coming from the enemy. God is not the one condemning us.

Scripture tells us our standing with God is not based on what or how we do, but upon what Jesus did for us and His righteousness, which He bequeathed to us. As I was telling the Lord how I felt I had this phrase come up in my spirit so I share it with you in the hope it will help you too -

"Help me Lord to let go of me, and to grab hold of You."

I believe God wants us to let go of the condemnation we feel sometimes, let go of our 'trying', and just grab a hold with both hands, of what Jesus has done for us . If you feel you need to let go and grab hold of God today then maybe this personal prayer will help.

Lord help me let go of any condemnation I feel, and my struggling, and grab hold of the righteousness You've given me. To let go of my fears and grab hold of Your faithfulness to me. To let go of my insecurities and grab hold of Your strong right hand that holds me safe and secure even through the darkest night, knowing You're turning it round for good.

Help me Lord to let go of any criticism or judging others but to see others through Your eyes of compassion and love. Help me Lord to grab hold of your kindness and bring it where there's hurt or harm. Help me to grab hold of Your hope and comfort and pass it on to others. Lord may I bring a spirit of peace and rest and not cause strife or stress to others. 

Thank You Lord you have given me Your righteousness. You are helping me to be all that You made me to be and to rise up higher to bring glory to Your name and to become more like Jesus everyday. Thank You Lord. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

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