Tuesday, 7 September 2021


Galations 6:9 Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. v.10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.

We all know what weary feels like but Paul here is talking about weariness while doing good and to not grow weary which means it must be a progressive thing. Weariness in doing good doesn't just hit us like a ton of bricks, rather it creeps up on us. 

Maybe we've been helping someone by doing practical things, or giving financially, or trying to be kind to someone who only responds with unkindness.  Apostle Paul says don't give up, keep going because at the right time you will reap a reward. 

I heard of one 92 year old lady who goes around smiling at people and if they smile back at her she 'collects' that smile and adds them up throughout the day. She smiled at one young man and asked him to smile back as she only needed one more smile that day to have reached her goal of so many smiles. She was sowing smiles. We can all do that.😊

Maybe you've had weariness creeping up on you, trying to seep in while doing good and if so can I encourage you to not lose heart, not give up. Whatever it is you're doing you're doing it as unto Jesus and He sees all your efforts and kindnesses. He sees your going the extra mile. He hears those kind words, and when you do something thoughtful for others. He knows your kind heart and He tells you today you will reap a reward.

Now I know we don't do those things so we can get a reward but nevertheless that is what He has said. You could say it's the law of cause and effect.  We are actually sowing a harvest of blessings which are being stored up for us and at just the right time, in due season, they will be given to us.

And just in case you start collecting smiles, here is another one from me to start your day.😊

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