Philippians 1:9-10 I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ's return.
We probably all need to be reminded of what really matters from time to time otherwise we can get a bit bogged down with all the 'stuff' that happens from day to day until we think it matters more than anything else.
It's also good to gently remind ourselves now and again that this life is not all there is. Yes, we have an abundant life to live in the here and now but there is an eternity to come where this life will barely be a memory if remembered at all.
The Apostle Paul then goes on to talk about the day of Christ's return as being very real to them and I trust it is to all of us too. Jesus is coming back and many people believe He is coming very soon so I don't know about you but I want to be found living the life he describes here.
Paul encourages us to be filled with the fruit of our salvation. So what does that mean? He describes it as being someone who has a heart to love others, whose actions cause people to give praise to God. He describes having a righteous character which is one of kindness and patience, goodness and the other fruit of the Spirit. All of those seem to flow out of us growing in the knowledge of Jesus and understanding more and more about who we are in Christ and how much we are loved by God.
Take heart because we don't have to 'try' to live that way, indeed we find we can't, rather we just have to keep close to Jesus, grow in our knowledge and understanding of Him and let Him love others through us and live through us.
If you ever stop and wonder what matters in this life, then I hope this helps to remind us today of what God says really matters to Him, so then it will matter to us too.😊
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