Monday, 13 September 2021


John 10:10 The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.

When you've got a lot going through your mind have you ever stopped to think 'Whose voice is this I'm listening to at the minute?'

If you're hearing something which makes you feel better, more encouraged, uplifted and secure then you're hearing God speak, either through someone else or through scripture itself when you read His word or listen to an anointed speaker.

But when you hear anything at all that makes you afraid and fearful, anything that brings you down or discourages and depresses you, then you're hearing the voice of our enemy satan. How do I know that? Because Jesus said our enemy is a thief and he comes to try to destroy your peace of mind, to steal your resources or your joy, he'll even try to fill you with doubts to try to kill your trust in God.

The good news is we get to choose who we listen to! We can either bow to the negative thoughts and wallow in them which leads us on a downward spiral, (been there, done that) or we can resist them, strong in our faith in God knowing satan is a defeated foe, that he's a liar and a deceiver.

We can choose instead to agree with God's word and His promises, to declare by faith that as for me and my household we will serve the Lord and He will uphold and sustain us. He has made us more than Conquerors through Jesus. That even though we can't see a way yet we know God has a way, and His answer is on it's way, even as we read this blog.

Next time we feel fearful, discouraged or depressed let's stop and recognise who we are listening to and do something about it. Tell those thoughts to go in Jesus' Name! Let's get God's word out and allow Him to speak to us of His love, His reassurance and His rich satisfying future He has for us. 

As we begin this new week let's stand together, release our faith afresh, and receive all that God is giving to us because we know His words and promises are true. 😊 

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