Sunday, 26 September 2021


Nehemiah 9:17 ...But you are a God of forgiveness, gracious and merciful, slow to become angry, and rich in unfailing love. You did not abandon them...

What a amazing verse that is! The Israelites had built a golden calf and declared it was their God and that it had brought them out of Egypt!(v.18)  And yet verse 17 says God was merciful and didn't abandon them despite what they'd just done. His mercy is huge.

If ever you've blown it or felt like you didn't deserve anything from God then this verse gives us such assurance that God is so, so good to us.  It really makes you want to worship Him over and over again for His great grace and mercy towards us.

Just one of those phrases about God would be enough but when you put them all together it gives us a picture of our God that makes your heart overflow with gratitude to Him. As you read that verse again let the wonder of it fill your heart today.

So wherever we go to worship today we can join with each other all over the world knowing Jesus is our Saviour, Redeemer, and Soon Coming King. The One who will never abandon us.  The One who opens His arms wide and enfolds us in His love and mercy. We can truly praise Him together.

We love You Lord and thank You and praise You over and over again. Amen.

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