Thursday, 30 September 2021


Psalm 99:6(b)...They cried to the Lord for help, and he answered them. v.8 O lord our God, you answered them...

How often we need the Lord's help, and yet how often we struggle on in our own efforts!
These verses should encourage us to pray as it says when we cry out He does answer us.

Jesus said something similar in Luke don't you think God will surely give justice to his chosen people who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? v.8 I tell you, he will grant justice to them quickly! But when the Son of Man returns, how many will he find on the earth who have faith?
When we cry out to God He wants it to be with a cry of faith in Him believing that He will answer. I know I've prayed prayers in the past that have been cries of begging and pleading which were not really cries of faith at all but rather they were cries of fear of what might happen that's bad. I don't think those prayers achieved much! Maybe you've done the same at some time?

But Jesus says God quickly answers our prayers of faith. Our faith activates His power when we know He is merciful, overflowing with His favour, and loves us so much He has a heart to bless us.  When you think about it, why would our cries not be full of faith?

So can I encourage us all to keep praying to the One who has all the answers, who is for us and not against us. May they be prayers of faith, with a thankful heart (Philippians 4:6) knowing He not only hears us but is answering us.

Let's make our prayers full of expectation and anticipation of good things to come, not prayers of 'hope so' but believing type 'know so' prayers; prayers of faith in a mighty God and a loving Father; prayers that know He's the God of exceedingly, abundantly above all we could ask or think. (Ephesians 3:20)

Let's keep our faith filled prayers before God and He will answer us.😊

Wednesday, 29 September 2021


Psalm 97:11 Light is sown for the  (uncompromisingly) righteous and strewn along their pathway, and joy for the upright in heart (the irrepressible joy which comes from consciousness of His favour and protection). (Amplified Bible)

I think we could all do with a dose of irrepressible joy, don't you? and God tells us how to have it - by being conscious of His favour and protection. It's time we got our 'woohoo' back!

When we're overly conscious of what's going on in the media or the world in general then we tend to lose our joy because our focus is on the wrong thing and it's so depressing.

But God is saying that while we can be aware of all these pressures around us, if we reach down into our spirit where God lives we'll become more conscious of His protection and of His favour in our lives. He wants us to learn to be conscious of Him, to be aware of His presence in us, holding us safe all the time, knowing He's got us in the palm of His hand.

He also wants us to be so conscious of His favour so that we're deliberately looking for it as we go out into our day and thanking Him for it in advance. When we do that He says we'll have this joy bubble up in us from deep inside that just can't be held in or pressed down. That's the kind of joy He's given us and the joy of the Lord is our strength! So not only has He given us His favour and protection which produces irrepressible joy, but it produces our strength as well. How awesome is all that!!

So keep reminding yourself throughout the day and be conscious of His favour and protection over you and His joy will begin to bubble up!😊

Thank You Lord for Your favour on my life and Your wonderful protection. I believe it and I receive it in Jesus' Name.  Amen.

Tuesday, 28 September 2021


Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.      

God has made us 'I Can Do' people through Jesus who strengthens and enables us.

I've never heard God tell me I can't do something, that things will never work out, or that it's too late. He never says things like that, but the enemy does!

God says in His word that we're more than conquerors, (Romans 8:37), that we can do all things through Christ, that we are above and not beneath, that whatever we set our hands to will prosper, that He gives us good success and so much more besides. (Deuteronomy 28:2-13) Jesus went further and said that we can lay hands on the sick and they will recover, that we will cast out demons, (Mark 16:17-18),

So who are we choosing to believe? When we begin to feel discouraged I can guarantee it's because we've been listening to and believing the wrong voice, the wrong thoughts! 

When we listen to God's voice (His Word) we'll be built up and encouraged. We'll be filled with God's confidence and assurance. We'll know we're not doing life on our own but we've been given His supernatural strength and power to do whatever He's asking us to do. 2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

So if you've been discouraged recently, and we can probably all identify with that, please don't give up. Lift your head up my friend, and remember that you are an Overcomer and that God has given you this 'I Can Do' power. Believe it and receive it by faith because God doesn't lie to us.

Go out in the strength He gives you, knowing He will help you and that Jesus Himself is interceding for you, and is backing you all the way. 

You Can Do it! ðŸ˜Š 

Monday, 27 September 2021


Philippians 1:28 Don't be intimidated in any way by your enemies. This will be a sign to them that they are going to be destroyed, but that you are going to be saved, even by God himself.

When we come under attack we tend to feel like we've been bashed on the head! That's the reason we're told to wear the helmet of salvation. (Ephesians 6:17) Part of the enemy's strategy is to try to influence us to think his thoughts of defeat and hopelessness. But if we have our helmet on we'll be ready for him and we wont be crushed.

The helmet of salvation represents what salvation is for the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. So what is it?  
So often we've only been taught salvation is forgiveness of sins and rescue from Hell but that is only a part of it.
In the original language, salvation is the Greek word 'Soteria' which means rescue or safety (physically or morally), deliverance, health, saving, defence or defender.
So when we say Jesus is our Saviour we're saying He is our Defender, our Rescuer from judgement, punishment and anything the enemy attacks us with. He is our Healer and Health Giver or Restorer, He is our Deliverer from sin, guilt, condemnation, poverty, lack in any form, and from any plan of the enemy. Our salvation is our defence.

So next time we put on our helmet of salvation we can acknowledge fully what it represents and what it means in the spirit realm. The enemy can see your helmet and he knows what it means! So let's put our helmets on! (and all the other armour while we're at it).😊

When Paul says don't be intimidated, it's because there's no need for us to be. Romans 8:37 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

As you begin this new week, and put your salvation helmet on, wear it with confidence in your Saviour. With Him in you and for you, you are well able to go into your week with your head held high knowing you're fully protected. Amen, thank You Jesus.

Sunday, 26 September 2021


Nehemiah 9:17 ...But you are a God of forgiveness, gracious and merciful, slow to become angry, and rich in unfailing love. You did not abandon them...

What a amazing verse that is! The Israelites had built a golden calf and declared it was their God and that it had brought them out of Egypt!(v.18)  And yet verse 17 says God was merciful and didn't abandon them despite what they'd just done. His mercy is huge.

If ever you've blown it or felt like you didn't deserve anything from God then this verse gives us such assurance that God is so, so good to us.  It really makes you want to worship Him over and over again for His great grace and mercy towards us.

Just one of those phrases about God would be enough but when you put them all together it gives us a picture of our God that makes your heart overflow with gratitude to Him. As you read that verse again let the wonder of it fill your heart today.

So wherever we go to worship today we can join with each other all over the world knowing Jesus is our Saviour, Redeemer, and Soon Coming King. The One who will never abandon us.  The One who opens His arms wide and enfolds us in His love and mercy. We can truly praise Him together.

We love You Lord and thank You and praise You over and over again. Amen.

Saturday, 25 September 2021


2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with unveiled face, .... are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

God wants us to move forward into all Jesus has bought and paid for us at the Cross. He wants us to move in to possess those things God has already prepared for us in advance, since before the foundation of the world. (Ephesians 1:4)

When God brings us from glory to glory He's bringing us into new levels of anointing, new levels of His favour, new levels in our health and wholeness, and family relationships, new levels in our faith. God never leaves us where we're at, He always brings us up higher - from glory to glory in all areas of our lives. He's literally transforming us. Some areas may take longer than others but nevertheless it should give us a sense of expectation and anticipation.

So no matter where we're at today I believe we can be uplifted by the knowledge that God is doing a work in us that is glorious and will bring praise to His name. As we learn to trust Him and reach out in faith so He'll unfold these new levels in our lives. 

If you stop and ask yourself if you've grown spiritually in the past 18 months or so, if you've grown in your understanding of God and His purposes and love, then I'm sure you'll find you have, and that's what being transformed from glory to glory is all about. 

The good news is there is so much more to come because it's an ongoing process; glory to glory, new levels.  How encouraging that is, don't you think? 😊  Thank You Jesus. 

Friday, 24 September 2021


Philippians 1:9-10 I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ's return.

We probably all need to be reminded of what really matters from time to time otherwise we can get a bit bogged down with all the 'stuff' that happens from day to day until we think it matters more than anything else. 

It's also good to gently remind ourselves now and again that this life is not all there is. Yes, we have an abundant life to live in the here and now but there is an eternity to come where this life will barely be a memory if remembered at all. 

The Apostle Paul then goes on to talk about the day of Christ's return as being very real to them and I trust it is to all of us too. Jesus is coming back and many people believe He is coming very soon so I don't know about you but I want to be found living the life he describes here. 

Paul encourages us to be filled with the fruit of our salvation. So what does that mean? He describes it as being someone who has a heart to love others, whose actions cause people to give praise to God. He describes having a righteous character which is one of kindness and patience, goodness and the other fruit of the Spirit.  All of those seem to flow out of us growing in the knowledge of Jesus and understanding more and more about who we are in Christ and how much we are loved by God.

Take heart because we don't have to 'try' to live that way, indeed we find we can't, rather we just have to keep close to Jesus, grow in our knowledge and understanding of Him and let Him love others through us and live through us.  
If you ever stop and wonder what matters in this life, then I hope this helps to remind us today of what God says really matters to Him, so then it will matter to us too.😊 

Thursday, 23 September 2021


Psalm 5:12 For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous; With favor You will surround him as with a shield.

I was looking at a blank page in my notebook and I had this thought: Our lives are like that blank page when we wake up in the morning because it's a fresh new day and new opportunities are waiting. 

Then I realised the page isn't blank at all because God has already written "Loved and Blessed By God, Surrounded by the Favour of God" at the top of the page! So no matter what may or may not happen we can know for sure that God still loves us and we are still walking in His favour because His word says so.  Praise God for that!

Some of what happens after we put our feet to the floor in the morning is up to us and what our attitude will be. We get to choose - to be happy or grumpy, optimistic because God has a good plan for us, or pessimistic, stuck in regrets of the past, fearing the future, or expecting a God blessed day.  

I've put this little bear on to help us wake up with a smile today. We've probably all heard the saying 'Attitude determines our Altitude'. In other words if we have a good attitude we'll come up higher and be a blessing to others and be able to receive all God's goodness. But when we have a bad attitude (and we've all been there I'm sure) then we seem to draw the negative things to us and we tend to pull everyone down with us.

So my encouragement today is to choose before we begin the day to have an upbeat attitude, having a great expectation of good because God is a good God. And yes, we know not everyday is going to be all sunlight and roses but we also know that God is in it with us, that He's promised to turn it round for our good and we're just seeing things half way through the story.

Whatever stage our story is at, no matter what has been or not been so far, let's keep fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and Finisher of our faith because He's the One who can rewrite our story if we'll let Him and we will see the goodness of God in the land of the living. (Psalm 27:13)

Wednesday, 22 September 2021


Isaiah 28:10 He tells us everything over and over - one line at a time, one line at a time, a little here, and a little there! v.12 God has told his people, "Here is a place of rest; let the weary rest here. This is a place of quiet rest." But they would not listen. 

Have you ever noticed God will keep reminding us of something, over and over again? I've noticed it while writing this blog over the past year. God will keep bringing us back to some truth and I think "we've covered that before Lord", but no, He repeats His message because we forget so easily or maybe we weren't listening!

Is there anything He's been telling you over and over?  Hopefully we are listening and doing as He says.

Verse 12 goes on to talk about quiet rest because God knows we'll burn out, with all manner of symptoms manifesting if we don't rest in Him. But look at the last part of that verse - "But they would not listen." Have we been hearing some things but not really listening? If so, please listen to Jesus' own words :

"Come to me all you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light." (Matt 11:28-30)

It's good to stop and check sometimes to see if we're trying to carry a burden God never put on us.  If we find we are, we can bring it to Jesus, spend some time and rest for a while and lay it all at His feet. Tell Him how it's too much and let Him give us His perspective, and let Him be our burden carrier.

Can I encourage us all to invite Him into all the areas that are troubling us. Know He's helping us and if we need to change anything or change direction He'll help us and make it possible to do that too. Remember yesterday, about Him rewriting our story? Maybe that is part of it.

But whatever else unfolds, let's learn to be people who listen when He tells us to rest - it's for our good not His. 😊

Tuesday, 21 September 2021


Isaiah 43:19 Behold I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth. Shall you not know it?

I heard the following phrase last week "The Lord rewrites our story" and it resonated with me. Maybe it does with you too? So often we think we know how our story is going to unfold, year in, year out, whether it's in our careers or family commitments or maybe health wise, but God may want to rewrite your story with peace instead of stress, with health and wholeness instead of sickness, with a new area, a new job, new beginnings, new ministry. 

When we're stuck in a rut or we've been in our comfort zone too long it can come as a challenge to know God maybe has something fresh and new for us to pursue. He never made us for the 'same old' all the time. God is never boring! 

Each one of us has new chapters still to be read.  Are you ready for a new thing? Would you welcome it? I hope so because there's a strong temptation to 'play it safe' in life but God wants us to know it will be worth it when we follow His leading. 

In order to move into a new land you have to leave the old one but God tells us that we are well able to do it with Him! In the Kingdom of God we're never too old, too young, too inexperienced, too anything for God to use us. If God is calling us to do something then He'll provide the resources, the skills, and the strength to do it. If God wants something to be done He'll foot the bill for it too, not you.

He says in our verse 'now it shall spring forth' and the Holy Spirit wants us to get in agreement with that word. 2 Corinthians 6:2 Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. God wants us to live in the now and not put things off  till 'one day'.. 

He has something new for us now. Are we willing to let Him rewrite our story, to change things if He wants to?  Let's embrace it and thank Him for it in advance, by faith.  Amen.

Monday, 20 September 2021


2 Corinthians 6:16(b)  ...As God said: "I will live in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they will be my people...

God paints an amazing new sky at sunrise and every evening at sunset for all to see and if it's not cloudy they're breathtakingly beautiful. As I write this the sunrise is wonderful and they are there for anyone to enjoy and be blessed by, but often we miss them.

Every morning God also gives us new mercies, grace and favour, new opportunities to discover Him in the big affairs of life but also in the little things and sometimes we miss those too. This week my daughter sent me a photo of her hand holding a few raspberries which she had grown herself and just picked off her one and only raspberry cane for the first time, and she was so chuffed. Her comment was 'It's in the little things!' and she's right. She enjoyed the moment and shared it with me which was so lovely.

My question is, are we looking for God and recognising His hand in the everyday little things or are we so busy or worried that we're not taking the time to 'enjoy the raspberries', to recognise and enjoy each moment?

You see God wants to walk with us, and in us. He's not a distant God. He's up close and personal but so often we hold Him at arm's length just because we're "too busy" or because we want to watch this programme, or clean the house, or prepare for work, or sleep a bit longer - whatever it is for you.

It would be such a blessing to learn more and more to let God in and enjoy each moment. If you get the chance, spare a minute to watch the sun go down in the sky tonight and know God painted it just for you.😊

So can I encourage each one of us today and this coming week to truly allow God to live in us and walk among us and let Him show us the little things to be happy about and enjoy, especially when some of the big things are pressing on us, knowing He's involved in, and sorting those out too.

Have a blessed week and 'enjoy the raspberries'!  

Sunday, 19 September 2021


John 6:28-29 Then they said to Him, "What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?" v.29 Jesus answered and said to them, "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent.

When the disciples asked Jesus how to do the works of God He told them to believe in Him. Believe He's the Son of God, that He went to the cross to become sin on our behalf,  to believe He took all our punishment and bore all our sicknesses and diseases, believe He rose again from the dead and gave us His righteousness and grace, forgave all our sins, and gave us the gift of eternal life. 

The disciples thought they had to do something first but Jesus made it very straight forward. He didn't give them a list of rules and laws and 'things you have to do to please me'. No, He just told them to believe God sent Him and believe He did all He did and put our trust in Him. When we do that, then He'll enable us to love others and do whatever good works He wants us to do.

So when we believe in Jesus we're believing God's word when He says He will supply and He will do all He says He will do, and to receive it by faith.

God is a loving God and He loves to give.  All our faith is required to do is to believe and receive what God is holding out to us in His word and thank Him for it. That is the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus.  And don't forget, it not only covers our salvation but every other thing we shall need in the days to come till we go to be with Jesus.  Hallelujah, what a Saviour! Thank You Lord!

If you've just found my blog and never put your trust in Jesus yet, may I invite you and encourage you to do it today and pray the prayer of salvation at the side of this blog. God wants you to be part of His family too.😊

(To find the Salvation Prayer please press the 'Home' button at bottom of blog and it will take you to the whole website. Thankyou.😊)

Saturday, 18 September 2021


Numbers 13:30 Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, "let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it."

God had told the Israelites that He was taking them into a land flowing with milk and honey and when they went to spy it out they discovered it was an amazing place better than anything they'd imagined. We all know the story, how 2 of the spies said 'We're well able to do it" and then there were 10 who said "We are not able..."

Now, there is a temptation to go with the majority who speak very convincingly, but sometimes they are wrong and boy were these 10 wrong! They had forgotten God's promise to them that He was taking them in and they mistakenly thought they were going to have to do it alone so they refused to do it! So sad!

Caleb was my kind of person - someone who encourages people and tells them what they can do with God's help. He knew His God and that when we follow God wholeheartedly God will do what He says He will do, and strengthen us to do what He wants us to do.

Why am I reminding us of all that?  It's just in case you've been listening to a negative majority who've told you you can't do something when you know very well you can because God told you to.

Caleb said "let us go up at once..."  So my purpose today is to encourage you to GO FOR IT, whatever it is, and DON'T PUT IT OFF!  

Don't postpone your life and wait till Co-vid is over, or you're children have left home, or you feel 100%, or you have enough money, or whatever your excuse has been. If God has been telling you to do something JUST DO IT, go on in and possess your possession.  

I don't know who that word is for but I believe it is for someone who is reading this blog. God will give you the courage and the ability to take that first step knowing He will open up the way for you. Thank You Lord.

(Please leave a comment if you know God is speaking to you so we can pray for you.)

Friday, 17 September 2021


Isaiah 40:31 But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.

Yesterday was sparrows, today we're looking at eagles.😊

When an eagle soars up in the sky it flies above the storms, unbothered by any turmoil beneath, carried by the thermal air currents and it remains up there without flapping it's wings. God promises us in this verse that we will soar like eagles as we trust Him and we too will become unflappable!

Do I hear you say, "Well I don't have wings, my feet are stuck in the humdrum of life, walking through treacle sometimes, I don't feel much like soaring at the moment!" If so, can I encourage you to close your eyes, turn everything off, and just visit with God for a little while, even 5 minutes if it's all you've got. 

Now, can you imagine with me, taking the hand of Jesus, looking up towards his smiling face and letting Him take us to sit with His Father at the right hand of His throne? There's a seat there with your name on it. (Ephesians 2:6)

As we do that He reminds us that He has promised to strengthen us to the point where we wont faint, where we wont be so weary, but we have to receive it, so can we just hold our hands out and believe God is doing as He says? See Him pouring His strength into you.

Hear Him speak His peace and reassurance as we rest and relax in Him knowing He's got our lives in the palm of His hand and nothing is going to snatch us out or separate us from His love. He'll remind us He's working everything out for us and give us a sense of His joy just because we're His and we're there. He wants us to go back out with a smile on our faces.

As we learn to 'let go' and release our troubles and anxieties into His hands, so we'll feel lighter and we'll be able to soar that little bit higher.  So whenever you're feeling stressed, just go and sit on the seat with your name on, and let the Lord lift you up today. Amen.

Thursday, 16 September 2021


Luke 12:6 What is the price of five sparrows - two copper coins? Yet God does not forget a single one of them....So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.

Have you ever listened to a flock of sparrows twittering to each other in a hedge as you pass by? I love doing that, they all sound so happy and they make me smile! I think the Lord must be very fond of them too because He says not one falls to the ground that He doesn't know about. (Matthew 10:29 ) How amazing is that? God cares about a little sparrow.

You might think sparrows are insignificant little birds but obviously not in God's eyes which encourages me because so often we might think we're very insignificant in the big scheme of things. Maybe we feel unimportant or that nobody notices us but if God notices one sparrow falling to the ground He definitely notices you and me and is aware of everything about us because He cares about us so much.

We don't even have to try to get His attention because we already have it. We know if He sees a sparrow fall that He sees when we're struggling to keep going, or fallen in a heap for whatever reason. I can imagine Him stooping down and gently picking it back up to send it flying off again and doing the same for us.

So next time you see or hear a little sparrow twittering nearby, take time to hear the Lord whisper in your ear just how much you matter to Him and how valuable you areHe just wants you to know you're of great importance to Him and if you are struggling, or all of a heap, know He's lifting you back up, dusting you off and making you strong so you can go out and fly again.😊

God doesn't forget a single one of us because we really matter to Him and are so valuable to Him. Thank You Lord.

Wednesday, 15 September 2021


Ephesians 1:13 Furthermore, because we are united with Christ, we have received an inheritance from God, for he chose us in advance, and he makes everything work out according to his plan.

See that last phrase? He makes everything work out according to His plan. If you've ever felt worried about how things are going to work out, or what on earth you're going to do now, please take heart from this verse which is a declaration of truth. Our part, as always, is to get in agreement with God's word. God will make everything work out according to His plan

That should take the pressure off us, don't you think? It's not all up to us anymore because He wants us to 'rest' in the sure knowledge that God knows what He's doing and His plans are to prosper us and not to harm us. He wants to remind us today that we can trust Him.

So if the enemy has been pressuring you to do more, to worry till your hair turns grey, just read him this verse and it will stop him in his tracks. Keep saying that phrase over and over again in your head till it's the first thing you think when you wake in the morning. "God is making everything work out according to His plan." That doesn't mean God is sending us the bad things that happen but it does mean He'll turn them round for our good.

Know you can face the day with confidence because your God is in control and He's sending in angels where necessary to help and minister to you while He works everything out. (Hebrews 1:14) Therefore, angels are only servants - spirits sent to care for people who will inherit salvation. That's you and me, our verse tells us we're inheriting salvation so God is sending His angels in to help us.

It says He's working everything out not just some things.  We do have our part to play though and there will be instructions to follow so we need to be listening with our ear tuned in to Him to see what they are, but the bottom line is we can relax. It's not all up to us!

I pray you receive that today. Let's start trusting God more and 'let go' of the anxiety more. Let's 'grab hold' and believe His word more. Amen.

Tuesday, 14 September 2021


Romans 8:1 So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.

Do you ever go through times when you're feeling condemned that you should be doing better but you get a bit stuck in your attitudes or way of thinking and doing?  

If you can identify with that then you're not alone and we have to recognise that the enemy is having a go at us. It's good to remember how far we have come already and be encouraged by that, knowing God is doing a work in us and He's promised to bring it to completion, (Phil.1:6) rather than listening to the condemnation coming from the enemy. God is not the one condemning us.

Scripture tells us our standing with God is not based on what or how we do, but upon what Jesus did for us and His righteousness, which He bequeathed to us. As I was telling the Lord how I felt I had this phrase come up in my spirit so I share it with you in the hope it will help you too -

"Help me Lord to let go of me, and to grab hold of You."

I believe God wants us to let go of the condemnation we feel sometimes, let go of our 'trying', and just grab a hold with both hands, of what Jesus has done for us . If you feel you need to let go and grab hold of God today then maybe this personal prayer will help.

Lord help me let go of any condemnation I feel, and my struggling, and grab hold of the righteousness You've given me. To let go of my fears and grab hold of Your faithfulness to me. To let go of my insecurities and grab hold of Your strong right hand that holds me safe and secure even through the darkest night, knowing You're turning it round for good.

Help me Lord to let go of any criticism or judging others but to see others through Your eyes of compassion and love. Help me Lord to grab hold of your kindness and bring it where there's hurt or harm. Help me to grab hold of Your hope and comfort and pass it on to others. Lord may I bring a spirit of peace and rest and not cause strife or stress to others. 

Thank You Lord you have given me Your righteousness. You are helping me to be all that You made me to be and to rise up higher to bring glory to Your name and to become more like Jesus everyday. Thank You Lord. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Monday, 13 September 2021


John 10:10 The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.

When you've got a lot going through your mind have you ever stopped to think 'Whose voice is this I'm listening to at the minute?'

If you're hearing something which makes you feel better, more encouraged, uplifted and secure then you're hearing God speak, either through someone else or through scripture itself when you read His word or listen to an anointed speaker.

But when you hear anything at all that makes you afraid and fearful, anything that brings you down or discourages and depresses you, then you're hearing the voice of our enemy satan. How do I know that? Because Jesus said our enemy is a thief and he comes to try to destroy your peace of mind, to steal your resources or your joy, he'll even try to fill you with doubts to try to kill your trust in God.

The good news is we get to choose who we listen to! We can either bow to the negative thoughts and wallow in them which leads us on a downward spiral, (been there, done that) or we can resist them, strong in our faith in God knowing satan is a defeated foe, that he's a liar and a deceiver.

We can choose instead to agree with God's word and His promises, to declare by faith that as for me and my household we will serve the Lord and He will uphold and sustain us. He has made us more than Conquerors through Jesus. That even though we can't see a way yet we know God has a way, and His answer is on it's way, even as we read this blog.

Next time we feel fearful, discouraged or depressed let's stop and recognise who we are listening to and do something about it. Tell those thoughts to go in Jesus' Name! Let's get God's word out and allow Him to speak to us of His love, His reassurance and His rich satisfying future He has for us. 

As we begin this new week let's stand together, release our faith afresh, and receive all that God is giving to us because we know His words and promises are true. 😊 

Sunday, 12 September 2021


Isaiah 8:20 Look to God's instructions and teachings! People who contradict his word are completely in the dark.

We've probably all said 'I feel like I'm completely in the dark about a certain situation.' and the temptation is to believe what we've just said. But God has something to speak into our situation if we'll believe His word.

Proverbs 4:18 But the path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day. ESV

God says He is shining light into our path ahead and it's not dull or cloudy, it's as bright as the sun at sunrise and not only that if we keep listening and reading His word the path ahead will get brighter and brighter. 

The trouble is we get so downhearted sometimes that we forget that promise and today is a now moment to start standing on it again. It's time we stopped contradicting God's word and start agreeing with it again despite how things might look and feel.

So if you've been feeling in the dark about the way ahead, start declaring that God is showing you the way forward and it's going to be as clear as day! I know I need to hear that word for myself and so I'm taking up God's challenge to believe this promise for myself. How about you? Will you join with me?

Thank You Lord you are lighting up the way we should all go and we believe it's going to be for our good to give us a hope and a future in You. Amen.

Saturday, 11 September 2021


Isaiah 7:4 Tell him to stop worrying. Tell him he doesn't need to fear the fierce anger of those two burned-out embers...v.7 But this is what the Sovereign Lord says: "This invasion will never happen; it will never take place; v.9 Unless your faith is firm I cannot make you stand firm."

Jerusalem was under attack from two other powerful nations. It was at a point when verse 2 says the King of Judah and his people trembled with fear, like trees shaking in a storm. I think we can all identify with that feeling somewhere along the line! Maybe for you it's right now.

Sometimes we don't just have one big issue to deal with but two or maybe more and we feel overwhelmed by it all. But God shows us here that He is in charge of our lives and there is no enemy that can bring us down when our faith is in Him.  He says the same thing to us He said to Judah that what we're fearing will never happen. And that's what today's encouragement is all about.

In the Old Testament when this verse was written He told His people to 'Stand firm in your faith and God will make you stand firm'.  But today, in the New Covenant we have the Holy Spirit inside us helping us to stand firm, so we're not trying to do it on our own. 

Even if you are shaking in your boots, God can make you steady and well able to deal with whatever is coming against you. Keep your eyes firmly fixed on Him and His promises to deliver and rescue you whatever is happening. Don't give in to the fear. God has given you a spirit of power to deal with it, call on the name of Jesus. Tell the enemy to back off and go. Resist him in Jesus' name. 

You are strong in Him, you are a victor in Jesus. You are not a victim! You are a child of the Most High God and He is for you, not against you. 

God is strengthening you and fighting your battles for you. Stand firm in your faith in Him today.

Friday, 10 September 2021


Hebrews 8:10,12 ... I will put My laws in their mind...I will be their God...I will be merciful to their unrighteousness...their sins and their lawless deed I will remember no more.

The New Covenant we have with God through Jesus' death and resurrection has set us apart with a host of blessings and privileges and a different mind set to the rest of the unbelieving world. So I thought we'd have a look at it today.

The Old Covenant of Law was between God and men who kept failing. The New Covenant of Grace is between God and Jesus who cannot fail.

Under the Old Covenant they had to offer sacrifices to 'cover' up their sins. In the New Covenant Jesus became a sacrifice for us and paid for our sins on the cross. He took the punishment for them all, past, present and future, so we wouldn't have to suffer the punishment we deserved. That is wonderful!

In the Old Covenant men and women had to obey all the demands of the law.  'You shall not, you shall shall not.'

In the New Covenant of Grace it's all about God's supply 'I will remember their sins no more, I will be their God, I will be merciful, I will, I will....

Under the Old Covenant of Law men were always failing and ending up with the curses of the law. 

Under the New Covenant of Grace it's all about God blessing, God sustaining, God upholding, God forgiving, God providing, God protecting, God healing and all of it is because of Jesus' finished work on the cross. Jesus did it all for us, He finished it, we can't add anything to it. If we try to earn it by our efforts we're mixing law and grace and Paul says we have fallen from grace if we do that! (Galations 5:4)

I'm so thankful the New Covenant of Grace is between God and Jesus (who cannot fail) and we enter into  that covenant by thanking God for forgiving our sins and putting our trust in Jesus, declaring Him to be our Lord, then God sees us 'in Him' and declares us righteous in His sight. (2 Corinthians 5:21). What a 'wonder' that is! Blessings are on the head of the righteous! (Proverbs 10:6)

What a wonderful Saviour we have in Jesus. What a wonderful New Covenant we have with God the Father.  Let's praise Him afresh today.

Thursday, 9 September 2021


2 Corinthians 4: 14 We know, that God, who raised the Lord Jesus, will also raise us with Jesus and present us to himself together with you. 

16-18 That is why we never give up. .... For our present troubles are small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! So we don't look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.

When you have time, read that passage again and let it sink in a bit. The Apostle Paul had been through shipwreck, stoning to the point of death, he'd had his back beaten and whipped several times, thrown into a stinking dungeon, in other words he'd been through a lot! Then he makes the astounding statement and says 'our present troubles are small and won't last very long!' He had a different perspective! He had 'the eternity perspective'.

How many of us when we get a thorn in our finger probably make a song and dance about it (speaking for myself) but Paul says these huge events in his life are small! But he gives us a brilliant clue as to how he does it. He says 'So we don't look at the troubles we can see now'.

There it is - it all depends on what we're looking at, what we're focusing on. He goes on and says he fixes his gaze on things that can't be seen. He's caught a revelation that whatever he goes through it will be far outweighed by the inheritance, the glory, God has promised him (and us) in eternity. There will be no comparison. He had 'the eternity perspective'.

He didn't deny what was going on but he learned not to focus all his attention on the rubbish that was happening to him and round him. Instead, with determination, he made himself look at what God promised him in scripture both for the here and now and also into eternity.

We can do that too!  With God's help we can learn to change our focus and remember the troubles wont last forever. When we find ourselves feeling down, God wants to help us all to remember to look up and let Jesus remind us of the glories He has prepared for us. So hang in there, don't be discouraged and don't give up. There are glorious things to come with your name on, both in the here and now and also in the life to come.😊 Amen.

Wednesday, 8 September 2021


Isaiah 3:10 Tell the godly that all will be well for them....

God is loving, kind and long suffering and has given every one on the planet a way of escape through the Lord Jesus from His judgement to come. He doesn't want anyone to suffer but He is a holy God and He is not mocked. (Gal.6:7)

God had been using Isaiah to warn Israel and Judah of all the impending doom that was coming on them because they had spoken out against God and refused to obey him. They provoked Him to His face. (v.8) Then He gives Isaiah this instruction to tell the godly all will be well for them and He is still saying the same thing to us today. All will be well for us.

When the Israelites were slaves in Egypt and Moses was sent in with the 10 plagues God told Pharaoh He'd send in a plague of flies but the Israelites wouldn't see one fly because....  Exod 8:23 I will make a difference between My people and your people. God was protecting His people superaturally.

We sometimes forget that we are the children of God, under His protection and provision and it's supernatural.  Psalm 91 and Psalm 23 make it very clear how the Lord treats His own because they honour Him, trust Him and believe what He says. We are in this world but not of it. 

God does make the difference where His children are concerned so be encouraged today God has not changed his mind and He still says to those who honour and trust Him "All will be well with you".  So no matter what it looks like at the minute, even if it doesn't look well right now, God is working all things out for our good. 

He tells us all to keep believing, keep trusting, keep fixing our eyes on Jesus our Redeemer, our Saviour, our Healer, the Restorer of our souls because all shall be well with us and already is well with our souls.

As I was writing this blog this video link popped up on my screen and it was like the Lord was confirming His word so I share it with you.

Tuesday, 7 September 2021


Galations 6:9 Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. v.10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.

We all know what weary feels like but Paul here is talking about weariness while doing good and to not grow weary which means it must be a progressive thing. Weariness in doing good doesn't just hit us like a ton of bricks, rather it creeps up on us. 

Maybe we've been helping someone by doing practical things, or giving financially, or trying to be kind to someone who only responds with unkindness.  Apostle Paul says don't give up, keep going because at the right time you will reap a reward. 

I heard of one 92 year old lady who goes around smiling at people and if they smile back at her she 'collects' that smile and adds them up throughout the day. She smiled at one young man and asked him to smile back as she only needed one more smile that day to have reached her goal of so many smiles. She was sowing smiles. We can all do that.😊

Maybe you've had weariness creeping up on you, trying to seep in while doing good and if so can I encourage you to not lose heart, not give up. Whatever it is you're doing you're doing it as unto Jesus and He sees all your efforts and kindnesses. He sees your going the extra mile. He hears those kind words, and when you do something thoughtful for others. He knows your kind heart and He tells you today you will reap a reward.

Now I know we don't do those things so we can get a reward but nevertheless that is what He has said. You could say it's the law of cause and effect.  We are actually sowing a harvest of blessings which are being stored up for us and at just the right time, in due season, they will be given to us.

And just in case you start collecting smiles, here is another one from me to start your day.😊

Monday, 6 September 2021


Psalm 90:14 Satisfy us each morning with your unfailing love, so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives. v.15 Give us gladness in proportion to our former misery! Replace the evil years with good.

What a lovely thought - to be satisfied with God's unfailing love each morning.  Before we begin each day, even before we get out of bed in the morning and dash out into the busyness that's waiting or even the 'same old routine' can we just stop for a minute and receive God's unfailing love for us and let it soak in? Let's remember His love brings no condemnation but it brings acceptance. It brings His peace, His righteousness and His joy. His love wraps us around like a security blanket which we can take with us everywhere we go. How blessed we are!

The Psalmist goes on and asks for something quite dramatic. He's obviously experienced hard times of great misery and suffering where bad things have happened to him. If any of us have had those experiences then we can join with the Psalmist and believe that God is turning them all around for our good because of Jesus and His finished work on the cross and the New Covenant. (Romans 8:28)

Our future in Him is bright, hope filled, because He has promised to give us a long satisfying life, (Psalm 91:16)  a life of abundance to the full till it overflows.(John 10:10) God is in the 'turning things around' business so whatever our experience so far, He can and will turn it round in a lovely way for us as we look to Him in faith. 

Be encouraged as we start a new week, God goes before us, is protecting us and has plans to bless us in the coming days regardless of what happens in the world and we will sing with joy to the end of our lives.  Let's reach out to Him and receive it and believe it today. Amen.

Sunday, 5 September 2021


1 Peter 5:7  Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.

Have you ever found a knot in something and it's been so tight you just can't undo it? Well sometimes we get those kind of knots in our insides!  God calls them worries and cares but goes on to tell us what to do with them.

When we identify what we're worrying about then we can bring it to God and give it over to Him. We can be really honest with Him because He knows we're worrying about it already so it wont come as any surprise to Him!

When we give it to Him that's when we cast our care and we let it go.  If we're still worrying, we haven't cast the care and we're not trusting Him to deal with it.

But if you gave it to God who has it now? God does, because you let it go and now He's got it in His hand. So, when the enemy comes and says "what are you going to do about such and such ...?", we can say '"Go and speak to God about it, because I don't have that care any more since I gave it to Him to deal with!" 

When God tells us to cast our cares and give all our worries to Him, He wants us to have a picture in our minds of literally handing it over and putting it in His powerful hands. Then we see ourselves leaving His presence without them, care free and at peace about it. We have to resist the temptation to run back in the room and grab them back out of His hands. Let them go, knowing you can trust Him to deal with them.

We've all been raised to think it's irresponsible to be care free, that we should worry about stuff thinking 'If I don't worry who will?'  But actually God says the opposite! So who are we going to believe? Are we going to trust and obey?

We know our worrying wont change a thing for the better, but rather can cause us to feel poorly. So can I encourage us all to hand them over to our loving Heavenly Father remembering He's running the universe so He's more than able to take care of our worries too.

God doesn't want to see us weighed down with cares. He's told us to let Him do it so let's do some 'letting go' today and enjoy His peace.😊

Saturday, 4 September 2021


Psalm 40:10  ...I have talked about your faithfulness and saving power. I have told everyone in the great assembly of your unfailing love and faithfulness.

I am so thankful that God is a faithful God.  He never gives up on us, never turns away, never stops loving us. He's always there for us, no matter how we've messed up and He says 'I love you with an everlasting love regardless of what happens.'  How reassuring is that!

If you've ever experienced betrayal or someone letting you down, or even if you were the one who let others down, then it's so important to know that our God will never do that to us. He is the God who changes not! He is the God who does what He says and when He makes a promise it's not only for us but for following generations too. I hope that gives you such confidence today.  
Psalm 119:90 Your faithfulness endures to all generations;... In other words it goes on and on and will never end. God is faithful!

There is One who loves you and bought you with His own life blood because you were so important to Him and His name is Jesus and there was nothing He wouldn't do to rescue you and have you in His own family. 

He is the faithful One, the One whose mercy endures forever and whose loving kindness is legendary.

So can I encourage us all to draw on God's faithfulness today. Take a moment to just sit and think about it for a few minutes and if things are a struggle just now, to dwell on the thought that God wont let you down, He wont let you go, and His strength is being poured into you for everything you have to do, or face. 

His faithfulness is tied into His mercy and it's tied into His love. They are a three stranded cord that is holding us safe and secure. He has us in the palm of His mighty hand. Praise His lovely name. 

Lamentations 3:23 Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.

Thank You Lord for your faithfulness and kindness to us and by faith we draw on them, and rest in them today. Amen.

Friday, 3 September 2021


2 Corinthians 10:5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God,  bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 

Wow! Every thought! Obviously our thoughts are very important and we're being told here that it's our job to take control of them. We can get in a bit of a rut and it's good to stop and check to see if we're thinking faith thoughts or fear and doubt thoughts.  What we think about plays a big part in who we are and will become. Proverbs 23:7 For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.

One of the things God wants us to have is a flexible mind. Jesus talks about not putting new wine into old wine skins which is a bit like trying to put new ideas in minds that are stubborn and don't like change. God wants to remind us that if we need some renewed or fresh thinking we can ask Him to come in and oil the creaking hinges of our minds by His Holy Spirit; that way our brains wont crack.😊

Maybe God is trying to give us some new thoughts to replace our 'same old' way of thinking. In fact it's probably time for a mind M.O.T.*  We all need a regular thought safety check up!  Or maybe you've lost your spark and need to book yourself in for some time at God's garage and let Him give you some fresh oil and new spark plugs to spark off His new ideas and thoughts! 

2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound (disciplined) mind. 

Paul says to refuse those old negative mind sets that are worn out and fear based. Let God's word fill us with faith and uplifting thoughts which will help us expect the goodness of God to flow in new refreshing ways full of His power and love. Amen.

*(M.O.T. - Just to explain for those reading this blog in a country outside the UK, we have to take our cars in for a safety check every year to make sure they're sound and road worthy which is called an MOT).

Thursday, 2 September 2021


2 Corinthians 7:5 ...we faced conflict from every direction, with battles on the outside and fear on the inside.

Ever been there? Stuff going on all around you, people upset with one another, disagreements, strife and then getting all chewed up about it on the inside?  I think we all have at some point.

v.6 says .. But God, who encourages those who are discouraged, encouraged us by the arrival of Titus.

Can we ask ourselves, are we like Titus? Are we the ones who encourage others and lift them up?  The good news is we can all be Tituses! Wherever we go, if someone is down or discouraged, let's ask God for wisdom to know how to help, how to encourage them to know God is bigger than all our circumstances, greater than any problem and stronger than any giant any of us may face. 

You see, no matter what things look like or feel like God does have a way through it. So if you're needing a Titus today let me be one to you through reading this blog.

It may look dark and difficult but God's not overwhelmed by our problems. He's not wringing His hands wondering what we can do. He's not stressed out about it, in fact He's already prepared the answer before we ever got the problem. 

When the Israelite soldiers looked at Goliath they felt discouraged and defeated but it only took one man with faith in his mighty God to bring him crashing down and God was already sending him along. David was His answer to Goliath. There is a giant slayer inside you too! 

We can be the one man, one woman of faith in our God, trusting in our blood covenant with Him through Jesus, and see Him bring down giants through us with the Holy Spirit's help. David knew if God was for him nothing could stand against him! That promise is for you and me too.

Let's be an encourager, a Titus, for someone today.  Or if you're in need of a Titus know that God is sending them along just for you at just the right time. 

So let's lift one another up, and bring down some giants if need be, believing God is bringing us through and out the other side. Amen.

Wednesday, 1 September 2021


John 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever-

It seemed like a good idea at the time! Having successfully moved the tall fridge freezer out of the kitchen, now we were trucking it out the back gate on sack trucks, along the pavement, round to the front of the house into our garage. (We couldn't take it out the front door because of the steps). The trouble was, the pavement has quite a steep gradient on the corner and my job was to steady it from the side, to stop it from flying off the sack truck while Chris took the weight. I was really struggling as the weight was beginning to shift, but he didn't know that as he couldn't see me from behind the machine!

Suddenly I heard this wonderful voice coming from somewhere "Would you like some help?" "Yes please", I shouted back into the air, not knowing who it was but thinking "Thank You Lord!!". There was one of our neighbours, who I'd never met before, running across the road to help and I thankfully let him take over my bit helping Chris. I was so relieved as I had visions of it careering off down the road! He had no idea he was literally heaven sent!!

There are times, aren't there, when we just need some help and God knows we do which is why He gave us the Holy Spirit our Helper. Now I could have been very proud and said "No, no I'm just fine thank you" and stubbornly carried on (like we sometimes do) but I had the sense to say a heartfelt "Yes please!". 

We all have a choice. God has offered us the help of the Holy Spirit at any time because He's with us forever, but He wont force Himself on us. Instead He waits for us to say "Yes, please help me" just like I had to do.  Sometimes His help even comes in the shape of a kind neighbour. 

We all know God never intended us to do life in our own strength, struggling through by our own efforts. He wants us to allow Him to help us and know He's there for us 24/7. 

Why not reach out today and say "Yes please" and see Him come alongside in everything you do (even moving a wayward old freezer).😊