Monday, 14 December 2020


Psalm 127:2 It is vain for you to rise up early, to take rest late, to eat the bread of (anxious) toil  - for He gives (blessings) to His beloved in sleep. (Amplified)

While you and I slept last night God was giving blessings to us, His beloved. What a picture of a caring Father God. He never sleeps, He's constantly thinking about us and finding ways to bless us. Doesn't that just make you want to praise Him and thank Him, to want to worship Him.

Even while we're sleeping He's sending His angels out to do His bidding, answering our heartfelt prayers, some of them so deep down we can't even utter them - but He knows them. He knows us so well, inside and out and He loves us.

I was watching the song video by King and Country of The Drummer Boy song and the little boy sings "I have no gift but can I play my drum for you?" The little boy is drawn to show his love and say what can I give You, how can I show my love to You. Jesus says 'whatever you do for the least of these you're doing for Me.'

So today, wherever we are, whatever we're doing, let's do it with a grateful heart to our wonderful Saviour Jesus, and do it for Him, for our loving Heavenly Father, because He loves us so.

And tonight, when you lay your head down on the pillow just rest all your worries down too, knowing that the One who loves you so much is blessing you all through the night even while you sleep.

Thank You Heavenly Father.

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