Tuesday, 22 December 2020


Luke 2:19 but Mary kept all these things in her heart and thought about them often.

Luke 2:51 Then he returned to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. And his mother stored all these things in her heart. 

In verse 19 Mary had just been visited by the shepherds and heard what the angels had declared about her newborn Son Jesus.  That was quite something to deal with after just giving birth a few hours before! But what an encouragement. Her baby was going to save mankind! An amazing thought and she hung on to it and thought about it often

In verse 51 we catch a glimpse of Mary 12 years later frantically looking for Jesus in Jerusalem and He just says she should have known where to find Him, in the Temple learning about His Father. She stored all that up in her heart too.

So here we are in 2020 after a very different year and we have the opportunity to store some things up in our hearts too. What will you store up?  The frustrations, the losses, the disappointments? Or will you go searching for Jesus like Mary till you find Him and let Him give you wonderful things to store up in your heart? Things you can think about often to encourage and uplift you. What you think about will determine how you feel!

Will you remember and think about them often like Mary? All the blessings, the happy friend and family moments we did have either on zoom, facetime, out in the openair, the odd times we were allowed together? The Words of God's wisdom from different sources, the worship songs, the kind words He gave us, His immense goodness to us, the fact He has kept us safe through it all and is continuing to do so?

For sure something will be stored up in our hearts and we are the ones who will choose. 

Lord help us to store up the good things in our hearts so we can think about them often and be encouraged and uplifted. Amen.

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