Thursday, 10 December 2020


Romans 5:5 the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

Yesterday we were looking at the peace and joy deep down in our spirit man which we can draw from, anytime, anywhere. So what else is in our Well of Salvation that we can draw out?

When we remember that it is God Himself living in us and that God is Love then first of all we know that everything is flowing out from that place of Love. That's important to remember.

Now can I ask some questions? If you really love someone would you want the best for them at all times?  Would you want to see them well and healthy, healed of every disease? Would you want to see them prospering in every area of their lives financially, socially, emotionally?  Of course you would! 

Now transfer that to the God who loves you unconditionally, who loves you with no limits and who lives on the inside of you today. Even though He knows the very worst about you and me He still loves us! He not only wants all of the above blessings for each of His beloved children but He has bought and paid for all of it with the precious blood of Jesus on the cross. All of it is available on the inside of you for you to draw on, from your Well of Salvation.

We don't have to beg and plead for any of it because He has already given it to us because of His great love for us. Our part is to believe it, and by faith 'draw it out' with a thankful heart.

So how do we do that?  Good question! It's the same as yesterday, you get quiet with the Lord and acknowledge Him and that you are joined with Him in your innermost being. You 'see' yourself drawing out your healing or whatever you need, from that Well of Salvation, which you could say is a Well of Love. You praise and thank Him for it and all through the day you keep drawing from it and from the knowledge that He loves you and wants you well.

Everyday keep 'drawing' out your healing, start seeing yourself healed, rejoicing in it. This is not a one time thing but an on going relationship with the One who loves you so deeply.  

It is from Him and His love that the healing is flowing to us whether for allergies, diseases, stress, anxiety or whatever else troubles us. Praise His wonderful name.

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