Zechariah 8:23 And they will say, 'Please let us walk with you, for we have heard that God is with you'.
Last time I wrote we were remembering that Emmanuel - God is with us, and we're so grateful for that.
Zechariah was looking forward and we read how there would come a day, and it is here now, when other people will look at us and see that 'God is with us' and want to go with us. They will recognize that there is something different about us and they will want it. Why will they think like that? Because we will be different to them! Not because we're kill joys but because we are filled with God's joy.
When God is with us we will have His attributes, His peace and joy, His wisdom. His Spirit of power, love and sound mind. People will want that when they see Him being manifested in us.
Having 'God with us' means we wont 'fit in' anymore with the world and it's way of seeing or doing things. If we strive to 'fit in' then as Christians we'll be missing it, and will be having to compromise all the time. It's only when we stand out that people will recognise that we are not like them, that God is indeed with us.
If we are just like the man in the street why would they want to go with us, or walk with us? We would have nothing to offer them. But praise God we do have something to offer them - a Living Saviour, God is with us and they can know and walk with Him too and know His peace and forgiveness.
God wants us to be different for a reason!😊
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