Thursday, 31 December 2020


Titus 2:13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;

Can I ask what are you looking for?  This verse reminds us what we should be looking for  as we approach the new year 2021 - Jesus' return, His appearing.

I've been reminded recently that Jesus is coming much sooner than we think! Are we ready, are our families ready, is His church ready locally and worldwide? 

Yesterday we looked at what God's plans are for 2021 and part of that I believe is for His church to be looking for and preparing for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ, the head of the church and to be excited about it, but also to be prepared for Him to bring some changes first because He's coming for a spotless bride. 

So how do we prepare for His return? I think we'd all agree one of the main things is to be spending more time with Him, worshipping Him, listening for His instructions and guidance, don't you?  To spend time in His Word with the Holy Spirit and to get to know Him more before He comes back so that we're like the five wise virgins whose lamps were trimmed and ready for their master to come, listening for His knock at the door, looking for Him to appear. 

It is going to happen one day soon. Jesus is coming back! 

I knew one man who told us that every day he would look up into the sky and ask "Is it today, Lord? Are you coming today?"  He had such a strong expectancy, he knew it could be anytime and He was looking for Jesus.  

Just imagine for a minute if  the Queen of England said, "I'm coming to your house soon to take you to a new home."  What would you do?  You would get ready for her coming!  There would be an air of anticipation, of excitement, probably new clothes to wear, clean the house, etc; etc!  Get the picture?

But we're talking about the KING OF KINGS, THE LORD OF GLORY, who is coming for us. This is the RISEN LORD JESUS we're talking about. Now do we have some excitement?  I hope so!😊

Lord help us to get ready for Your coming even if it were today. Amen.

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