Wednesday, 30 December 2020


Isaiah 43:19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

We're coming to the close of the year and God has been challenging me with some big questions. Maybe you're the same.

Are we asking God what His plans are for 2021 for us as individuals and for the local church? Just because we're on lockdown does not mean God or His plans for His kingdom are on lockdown. 

He says,'..I will even make a way in the wilderness'.   If ever we may have felt like we're in a wilderness it is  probably now. So maybe He wants far more for us, and from us, than we thought. 

He does have good plans for His church and I believe part of that will be bringing into His kingdom many many new believers this year across the world and for us to be prepared for that too. 

Looking back to the early church they lived lives on the edge. Theirs was no cosy, safe religion of order and routine. Far from it! Every day they saw God move and do something new. They expected it.  It was so radical that people were being saved daily because they were seeing miracles and healings,  and that was after Jesus had left for Heaven! Those occurrences are still happening today around the world, God has not stopped working that way. He gave us the gifts of the Holy Spirit because He knew we would need them and wanted us to use them.

God is supernatural and I believe He wants His church to be moving in and expecting the supernatural too because we are His children.

God has plans for 2021 but the only way to find out about them is to ask Him and what our part in it will be. 

There will be some exciting days ahead and I for one don't want to miss what He has planned, do you?😊

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