Wednesday, 9 December 2020


Isaiah 12:3 Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.

John 7:38 He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his belly (innermost being) will flow rivers of living water. 

If you're born again, then the Spirit of Jesus, the Holy Spirit,  lives inside you in your innermost being. Wherever you go He goes. The Holy Spirit is our Helper, Counsellor, our Stand-by, our Wisdom etc.

Will you do an experiment with me? Just take a few minutes, get quiet and close your eyes and lay your hand on your belly.  Now imagine a Well for me in your head and you have a large bucket balanced on the wall at the top. Let down your bucket in your mind's eye deep down into your Well where your hand is resting.  Down in your spirit is where the Holy Spirit is and when you connect with Him you can draw out of your Well of Salvation all the peace, all the joy, all you need for any given situation. You can do it anywhere, anytime.

Allow Him to 'fill your bucket' as it were with His supernatural peace (regardless of what's going on), to fill it with His great joy (even though sad things may have happened), allow Him to 'fill' you with whatever you need at that moment. It may be you need to know the love of God. Just stop for a moment and connect with Him and allow Him to minister His love to you.

The enemy tries to stick his flag of hurt, anger, fear, guilt, shame on us so he can manipulate us but the only flag we have is the flag of love. God's banner over us is love.  Peace is Love resting and ruling. Joy is Love rejoicing. It's all coming out of His Love. Peace and joy are expressions of His presence and love in our lives. 

When we get stressed our emotions are being controlled by people or circumstances and that's when we need to stop momentarily and be controlled by Jesus instead, when we need to 'draw' His peace and love from within.

So next time you feel your stress levels rising, don't count to ten, instead put your hand on your belly, let your bucket down and draw out His peace, let Jesus rule in your situation. When you feel like you could do with some joy...get your bucket out and let the living water bubble up in you and over everyone else.😊 Release the anointing inside of you.

You may need to practice but I pray it will become second nature to us 'to draw from the wells of our salvation'. Maybe you could let me know how you get on?

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