Thursday, 3 December 2020


Luke 6:37 'Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven.'

Sometimes we're tempted to blow things out of all proportion and they get bigger and bigger in our heads the more we dwell on them. When we do that we get all bent out of shape and often it ends up being taken out on someone else. It has a ripple effect.

I was in the supermarket yesterday at the checkout with Chris. He'd smiled and said hello to the lady. She ignored him completely she was so busy talking to her workmate and I actually had to interrupt her conversation to ask a question about my store card. I tried complimenting her on her Christmas jumper which drew a small response but then she was rude about another query I had. I was so tempted to retaliate!

It's hard isn't it to keep a tight hold on our rising irritation and just smile instead! But that's what Jesus wants us to do.  

I did go to the staff member on duty at the door and told her we'd been treated very rudely. I didn't say who it was specifically but suggested they ask their staff to treat their customers more kindly!  The Lord doesn't want us to be a doormat but neither does He want us to repay evil with evil. He says repay evil with good.

My guess is that checkout lady was like that all the time with everybody and she will be causing a ripple effect in others in a bad way all day long with whoever goes to her till. She probably has unresolved issues which she takes out on everyone else. How sad!  

The challenge is not to come down to their level but to rise up higher, to take the high road of forgiveness and even to bless them.  I confess I didn't quite manage that at the time!!

Can I encourage us all today to have a ripple effect on others of joy and peace and forgiveness? Let's spread a happy ripple effect today.😊

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