Tuesday, 28 November 2023


1 John 1:1 We proclaim to you the one who existed from the beginning, whom we have heard and seen. We saw him with our own eyes and touched him with our own hands. He is the Word of Life.

They touched Jesus. We often think of Jesus touching and healing people when we read about him touching the leper, or the blind man for instance. Jesus was always touching people.😊

Have you ever asked Jesus to touch you? We probably all have, but I want to turn it around for a moment and imagine ourselves being with Jesus and touching Him. I’m sure the disciples didn’t shake Jesus’ hands in a formal handshake every time they met. I expect they had a hug and as He hugged them, they in turn would have hugged Him back. It would have been instinctive. They would have responded to His hug, His touch.

Now bring it into the present moment. We know God is pouring His love out on us but are we responding? Are we returning the hug, so to speak? Are we reaching out and touching Him by faith, as we receive His love by faith. Just as the lady with the issue of blood reached out and touched Jesus by faith, in our spirit we can see ourselves touching Jesus in the same way.

I believe the Lord is actually touching us all the time, bringing His healing and wholeness into our lives, very often through His Word, but we sometimes don’t recognise it so we miss it. We can be so caught up in our trouble or distress that we don’t realise He is with us, bringing His peace, His healing touch, His comforting hug to know all will be well and not to worry or be afraid.

One day we will all stand before our Lord Jesus and He will give us the biggest loving hug, and we will hug Him back before we fall at His feet and worship Him. So this is just a gentle reminder to not only receive His love and His touch, but also to respond with a thankful heart and reach out and touch Him with our love in return, in our now.😊 Amen.

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