Thursday, 30 November 2023


John 10:10 The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.

It’s the last day of November and tomorrow we’ll start the count down to Christmas and for the children especially there is an air of expectancy that gets stronger as each day goes by and their excitement grows the closer it comes to Christmas morning.😊

In the same way I believe God wants us to have a sense of expectancy, of knowing there are good things in our futures too. Yes, there will be tests and trials along the way but Jesus came to give us a rich and satisfying life, not a life that just gets by. His Word says His heart is to bless us and make His face shine on us, to heal and restore us.

It’s a two way thing though and God also expects things of us. He’s so pleased when we walk by faith and I’ve learned over the years that just because we may have had a bad report, we still have our faith to believe God can turn any report around for good. That’s what having faith is all about - believing and expecting the impossible because we have an ‘all things are possible’ God! No situation is beyond our miracle working God, so don’t let the enemy kill your joy or steal your peace, or expect bad things. Turn his negative thoughts round and expect the good God has promised.

God also expects us to shine, and not be a dull light bulb. Have you noticed how some energy bulbs are so dull to begin with, then they glow brighter as they warm up? I think we’re a bit like that too. When we wake up in the morning or we’ve had a bad day, we’re not always shining are we?😊 But as we draw on God’s power and strength throughout our day so we reflect His light and we start to shine with thankfulness and gratitude when we think of how good He is to us.

So let’s enter into the spirit of Christmas with a child-like faith, with an air of expectancy of all the good God has in store for us because He has said He will bless us going out and bless us coming in. And even better we can expect to be a blessing to others as well. 

I wonder - what good are we expecting and believing God for? Let’s tell Him and please Him with our faith.😊 Amen.

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