Thursday, 16 November 2023


2 Timothy 1:6 Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you…..

I’m here today to stir up the gift of our faith which God has given us, to encourage us to hang in there, to know God is on our side and working mightily behind the scenes on our behalf. What are we believing for today? What scripture, what promise are we standing on?

Maybe we don’t know the promises God has given us but we can use our internet, type in promises of God for healing, for finances, for whatever we need and they will come up. We can then find it in our bible, underline it, lay hold of it, write it out, pin it to our mirror. We need to do whatever it takes to get it down in our spirit, so it comes alive in our heart and keep declaring it, and bringing it to God in prayer.

1 Kings 18 Elijah was standing on God’s promise that when His people obeyed Him He would open the windows of heaven for them.(Deuteronomy 28:12) Well they had turned back to God and Elijah stood on God’s promise and earnestly called for the rain after three and a half years. 

He sent his servant to the top of the mountain to see if he could see any sign of it coming. Six times he went and said, ‘There’s no sign, nothing, zero!” But on the seventh time he looked and saw a cloud the size of a man’s hand, that’s all it was, just a little cloud, hardly worth mentioning! But faith believes for the big when it only sees the little.

Now, what promise are you standing on? Maybe there’s no sign of it happening, but keep looking. Or perhaps you’ve looked and all you can see is a tiny improvement in your circumstance, hardly worth mentioning. Well praise God because the heavens are about to open. Don’t let the enemy steal your progress. Believe the promise, praise God and thank Him for any and every little progress you can see and hang on to it. Don’t let doubt creep in. Watch what God will do as you stir up your faith. 

I’ve got my big spoon out and I’m stirring our faith.😊 Now believe for the big when you still can’t see anything, believe for the big when you can only see the little! Our God is a promise keeper! 

Lord help us stir up our faith. Amen.

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