Friday, 24 November 2023


2 Peter 1:3 (Nlt) By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life.

I know I’m short sighted and have to wear specs but I think all of us can be a bit spiritually short sighted at times. 

Apostle Peter tells us how to avoid short sightedness or spiritual blindness and there’s a good reason for it. He says if we do what he says we will never fall away(v10) and give us a grand entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.(v.11)  So if you don’t want to fall away, but you do want a grand entrance, read on.😊

Peter says we’ve been given everything we need for living a godly life by first coming to know Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. But if you’ve ever wondered how to live a godly life, he explains it’s only made possible by responding to, or you could say by acting on, God’s promises and they will produce great results.  

2 Peter 1:5-8 In view of all this, make every effort to respond to God’s promises. Supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence, … with knowledge, …with self-control, … with patient endurance, … with godliness, … with brotherly affection, … with love for everyone.

We can only do all of that with the help of the Holy Spirit inside us and by believing the promises but he wants us to make every effort! There will be times when we’re given an opportunity to do or say something which we know wouldn’t be godly and we have to choose God’s way. He says if we don’t actively develop in this way we’re being short sighted but if we do we will be productive and useful (v.8) and it will eventually lead us to the grand entrance.(v.11)

So the Holy Spirit is reminding us to tune in to Him more and more throughout our day and allow Him to help us not to be short sighted, but to act on God’s promises, by living godly lives, and produce the character God wants, so we become more like Jesus Himself. 

And if I get to glory ahead of you, I’ll be waiting for you to make your grand entrance.😊 Amen.

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