Monday, 14 November 2022


John 14:26 (Ampc) But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby) the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name (in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf, He will teach you all things.  .....

I was asked several weeks ago to make two small cushions for a friend with a bird theme so the other day I had a look at the cloth she'd given me and tried to design something suitable. I just couldn't seem to get my head round it and after a few attempts I realised I'd be better to do it another time!

Do you ever find that? There seems to be a 'right' time to do something and a 'right' frame of mind as well, when there seems to be an anointing on it and everything just flows together and we sit back amazed and thank God for His help.

Or there are the times we've put something aside and suddenly we have a light bulb moment when the Holy Spirit drops a thought into our heads, and there it is, everything falls into place!  I love the fact that the Lord is interested in every detail of our lives and wants to be involved at every level to help and inspire us. No doubt that's why we have inspired works of art and glorious music down through the centuries. 

How amazing that we can be helped by God Himself, the ultimate Creator, the One who knows everything! So as we go into our new week let's keep listening to His still small voice and ask for His inspiration and counsel for every thing we have to do before we even begin to do it.😊

Enjoy a blessed and inspired week.😊

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