Friday, 18 November 2022


Psalm 145:9-10 The Lord is good to everyone. He showers compassion on all his creation. All of your works will thank you Lord, and your faithful followers will praise you.

 I woke up yesterday morning to a lovely surprise. There on the doorstop was a big box with ready made meals, magazines, a book and cookies for us to enjoy brought by my son in law on his way to work. Our daughter had prepared it all  knowing we'd really appreciate some help right now.

God is full of lovely surprises like that and he uses people like you and me to bring them and make them happen. Isn't that lovely and what a huge 'Thank you' it caused in my heart at the start of the day. God knows when we need some tlc, some moral support, and He cares so much He sends someone to provide it. He shows us He cares. What a blessing to be a blessing, and what a blessing to be on the receiving end.

The only kindness some people will receive is when we reach out to them in some way, to be the hands of Jesus to lift them up and show them His love. 

On top of that we had a phone call from our son in Australia asking how we're doing and that was such a blessing too. Our God is always watching over us, always taking care of us. Sometimes we're not even aware of it but today was one of those when I was, and so grateful for it.

God is good to us - all the time. Do you have a story to share of how God has blessed you recently. Why not tell someone of His goodness and let's give God all the glory He deserves.😊

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