Tuesday, 29 November 2022


Isaiah 12:3 (Nlt) With joy you will drink deeply from the fountain of salvation!

This phrase 'fountain of joy' has kept coming up in my spirit the past few days and when I looked it up it actually says 'fountain of salvation'. In a way they're the same thing because our salvation brings us such joy.😊 Our salvation is also a fountain of peace, of love, prosperity, protection and provision and so much more.

When we see a beautiful fountain of water shooting 30 feet up into the air it shoots everything else out of the way as well. It can't become clogged up with silt or litter because it's constantly moving and the force of the water pushes everything else out of the way so the gush of water can come out.

Maybe that's why God used the illustration of a fountain to describe the salvation He's given us. 

Jesus said in John 4:14 that His fountain of life would be a fresh spring bubbling up from the inside of us if we'll just believe it and tap into it. It's for us all and available to us all.

It's like a bubbling spring inside us, bubbling up and washing out all the junk that we might have waded through during our day trying to clog us up. 

Today let's draw and drink from God's fountain of salvation, His fountain of joy and peace, his fountain of healing, well being and abundant life for whatever we need to live a joy filled life 😊 Let's drink from Jesus Himself, our fountain of life who lives inside us. Amen.

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