Monday, 28 November 2022


2 Thessalonians 3:16 Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every way. The Lord be with you all.

As I was reading through the promises list from last week, Promise 41 stood out for me. Based on the above verse it says "I will give you peace at all times and in every situation." That is quite a promise isn't it and how much we need it in today's world and in our daily lives.

No matter what turmoil there may be, what storms are raging personally or internationally, the Lord of Peace Himself has given us His peace, His Shalom.

Part of the meaning of His peace is for us to be whole, for there to be nothing missing, nothing broken. It's like when a brick wall has had one or two bricks knocked out, a crack appears and the wall weakens and begins to crumble. Jesus said He gives us His peace which heals and repairs our walls where things have been knocked out over the past days, weeks or years and He causes us to be whole again, with nothing missing and nothing broken.

So if our walls feel like they've been taking a battering lately, then why not come to Jesus afresh at the beginning of our new week, to the Lord of Peace Himself, and receive His peace into our souls and let Him make us whole again with nothing missing and nothing broken. 

His peace is a wonderful gift to us, one of His promises and He says it's for every situation and for always, at all times. What a wonderful promise to stand on and not let go of.😊 

Lord by faith we receive and release your peace to flow like a river into every part of us in Jesus Name. Amen.

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